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Coun 105: Evolution And Development Of Counseling Question Paper

Coun 105: Evolution And Development Of Counseling 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Define the terms counseling and guidance (4marks)
b) In the African tradition, counseling was the same as advising. Giving examples, show how the counseling differs from advising (5marks)
c) Describe the relationship between psychology and counseling, citing important stages of the development of both in their evolution (11marks)

Question 2
a) Mentally ill patients were treated unfairly in the olden days. Distinguish between the treatment given to the mentally ill patients and the treatment given to the mentally ill today. (10marks)
b) “Having a mental illness is as a result of being cursed”. Discuss this statement showing how modern counseling differs or agrees with the statement. (10marks)

Question 3
Discuss how the following factors influenced the growth and development of guidance and counseling.
a) The rise of industrialism in 1800 (5marks)
b) Social factors - (5marks)
c) Economic factors (5marks)
d) Ideological factors (5marks)

Question 4
What was the role of the following personalities in the development of modern counseling
i) Clifford Beers
ii) Frank Parson
iii) Jesse B Davies
iv) Sigmund Freud (20marks)

Question 5
a) Compare and contrast the traditional African counseling and the modern counseling. (10marks) b) Discuss how the emergence of following theories of counseling have influenced modern counseling (10marks)

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