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Melm 515: Educational Evaluation Question Paper

Melm 515: Educational Evaluation 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011


INSTRUCTIONS Answer ALL Questions in SECTION 1 and any other THREE in SECTION II

Question 1
a) What is educational evaluation? Definitions
b) What is the purpose of educational evaluation?
c) What is the operational objective of educational evaluation?
d) What do we evaluate in education?
e) Describe four models of educational evaluation (10marks)

Question 2
Compare and contrast evaluation by objectives and evaluation by competencies, giving advantages and disadvantages for each model (10marks)

Question 3
When is the best time to evaluate an educational programme? Give three stages of evaluation describing the goals of each (10marks)

Question 4
Most African countries suffer from high open unemployment and the job prospects for educated individuals have deteriorated rapidly over the last few years. In view of this fact, why do individuals and governments continue to invest heavily in education? Discuss (15marks)

Question 5
Ethnicity and tribalism are key issues in Africa. Evaluate recommended primary and secondary school social studies and history books in your home educational system and evaluate how far they discuss matters of ethnicity. Comment on the impact of these books and the attitudes and abilities of the teachers to deal with and solve these issues. (15marks)

Question 6
The success of any educational system hinges on proper planning, efficient administration, adequate financing and effective evaluation. Comment on this statement in reference to Kenyan educational system (15marks)

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