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Cred 120 2010/2011 Academic Year Question Paper

Cred 120 2010/2011 Academic Year 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. Section A: Answer ALL the questions
2. Section B: Answer THREE question only

1. What is the difference between historiography and philosophy of history (2 marks)
2. State the importance of the history of Christianity (2 marks)
3. Briefly explain the criteria that was used in the canonization of the Scripture
(4 marks)
4. State the role of the church fathers (2 marks)
1. Christianity developed from Judaism to a Gentile church
a) Explain the factors that led to the movement of Christianity from Judaism to the
to a gentile church (6 marks)
b) State the outcomes of the conflict between Gentiles and Jews (4 marks)
c) Describe the position of the pagan empire (6 marks)
d) Draw two lessons from the church’s response to persecutions
e) Briefly discuss the factors that led to the expansion of Christianity in the Graeco-
Roman world (4 marks)
2. The crusades left a lasting conflict between Christianity and Islam
a) Critique the aim of the crusades (6 marks)
b) Evaluate the outcomes of the crusades (8 marks)
c) Given the knowledge gained in this class, outline a strategy you would use in
reaching out the Muslim community effectively. (6 marks)
3. Indigenization and contextualization played a major role in early Christianity in Africa
a) Describe how indigenization enhanced church growth in Egypt (8marks)
b) Evaluate contextualization in North Africa (6marks)
c) Identify an area wi6hin the Africa church that has made the gospel remain foreign
to the people and outline how you will go about contextualizing it. (6 marks)
4. The popes abused their offices in the High and Late Middle Ages
a) State the factors that led to the rise of the papacy (4 marks)
b) Describe the abuses of office by the popes during this period of time
(6 marks)
c) Identify the abuses that are affecting the church in the 21st century and the
implications that they have both on the church and the state (6 marks)
d) Draw some lessons for life and ministry from the monastic orders that brought
revival in the Roman Catholic Church. (4 marks)

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