International Economics I Question Paper
International Economics I
Course:Bachelor Of Economics And Mathematics
Institution: Kabarak University question papers
Exam Year:2008
1. Answer question ONE (Compulsory) and any other TWO questions.
Question ONE
Using diagrams where necessary, distinguish between the following paired concepts.
a) Consumer indifference curve and community indifference curve (4 marks)
b) Demand curve and reciprocal demand curve. (4 marks)
c) Gains from exchange and gains from specialization. (4 marks)
d) Production equilibrium and consumption equilibrium (4 marks)
e) Production possibilities frontier and consumption possibilities frontier.
(4 marks)
a) The assumptions of the comparative advantage theory (11 marks)
b) The possibility of trade for the following two countries given the production costs
Country Cost per Unit of X Cost per Unit of Y
A Shs. 80 Shs. 100
B $ 4.00 $ 8.00
(9 marks)
c) The gains from trade between the two countries. (5 marks)
a) Using offer curves explain how two countries can arrive at equilibrium when trading
two commodities. (6 marks)
b) Explain why expansion of trade beyond some level of the offer curve may not be
beneficial to a country (6 marks)
c) Using the Neo-classical Theory of international trade show how two countries with
identical production possibilities can trade and gain from such trade. (13 marks)Page 3 of 3
Explain the following theorems using relevant diagrams and examples:
a) The Linder Theory (5 marks)
b) Immiserizing growth (5 marks)
c) Rybczynski Theorem (5 marks)
d) Factor Price Equalization Theorem (5 marks)
e) Stolper-Samuelson Theorem (5 marks)
a) Explain Krugman’s major contribution to international trade that earned him the Nobel
Prize (5 marks)
b) Discuss the possibility of an ultra anti-trade consumption effect of growth in Uganda’s
electricity industry. (5 marks)
c) Briefly discuss five methods of protectionism. (15 marks)
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