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Dpht 033: Social And Administrative Pharmacy Iii Question Paper

Dpht 033: Social And Administrative Pharmacy Iii 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013


Attempt all questions in all sections.
SECTION ONE (20 Marks)
For each statement below state whether it is True (T) or False (F).
Question One
Wholesalers of narcotics must register with medical practitioner’s board.
Question Two
Records of Narcotics must be maintained in the pharmacy.
Question Three
Retail dispensers of psychotropic substances must register with the ministry of health.
Question Four
Medical practitioners can distribute or dispense part I poisons to their own patients.
Question Five
A narcotic prescription may be issued by any health care worker involved in palliative care.
Question Six
The narcotic storage warehouses do not need registration with the pharmacy and poisons board.
Question Seven
A psychotropic substance may be issued to an addict by a licensed medical practitioner.
Question Eight
An oral order for narcotic may not be issued even in an emergency situation.
Question Nine
Clinical officers and nurse practitioners are legal prescribers.
Question Ten
The law contains a limit on the quantity of a controlled substance that may be dispensed at any one time.
Question Eleven
Part one poisons must be stored in a room separate from the other poisons.
Question Twelve
An annual practice licence expires on 31st July each year.
Question Thirteen
You do not need any licence to deal with part II poisons.
Question Fourteen
All advertisements for medicines must be cleared by the pharmacy and poisons board.
Question Fifteen
Pharmaceutical technologists get annual practice licenses from the pharmacy and Poisons Board.
Question Sixteen
A Pharmaceutical Technologists must be a member of Kenya Pharmaceutical Association in order to be allowed to practice.
Question Seventeen
The Chief Pharmaceutical Technologist is a member of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board.
Question Eighteen
The Director of Veterinary Services may be represented in the Pharmacy and Poisons Board.
Question Nineteen
Part two (II) Poisons are those that are sold over the counter.
Question Twenty
The Pharmacy and Poisons Board is housed within the Ministry of Medical Services.
SECTION TWO (Short Answer Questions 50 Marks)
Question One
Who are the legal members of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board? (5 marks)
Question Two
List five duties of the Registrar, Pharmacy and Poisons Board. (5 marks)
Question Three
Outline how drugs are legally classified. (5 marks)
Question Four
Briefly explain what are the Narcotics and Psychotropic Medicines. (5 marks)
Question Five
When does the practice of a Pharmaceutical Technologist become legally and professionally acceptable? (5 marks)
Question Six
State the duties of Pharmaceutical Inspectors. (5 marks)
Question Seven
Who are the legal prescribers? (5 marks)
Question Eight
Who are the legal dispensers? (5 marks)
Question Nine
What is the role of a professional association in the practice of Pharmaceutical Technologist? (5 marks)
Question Ten
How should prescriptions be handled after they are dispensed? (5 marks)
SECTION THREE (Essay Questions – 50 Marks)
Question One
Explain how one would register a pharmaceutical wholesale business in Kenya. (10 marks)
Question Two
How would one go about legally advertising a newly registered drug from India? (10 marks)
Question Three
Indicate the process of importing a part I poison into Kenya. (10 marks)
Question Four
Indicate the process of exporting a prescription drug manufactured in Kenya. (10 marks)
Question Five
Outline the ethical and legal expectations of an enrolled Pharmaceutical Technologist. (10 marks)

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