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Internet And Communication Technology Question Paper

Internet And Communication Technology 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Management And Information Technology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2008


Part-A is compulsory, has 20 marks and from Part-B, You can attempt any
two questions. Each question has 15 marks.
Question No. 1 (20 Marks)
a) Explain any three benefits of Computer Network. Marks 3
b) How many types of transmission Media are available in networking? Explain any two
of them with their one advantage and one disadvantage. Also write the criteria of
choosing them. Marks 3
c) Explain how the installation of a network is cost effective and secure? Marks 2
d) Give any four rules to be observed when running a network cable. Marks 2
e) Suppose you are Computer network engineer and you have been given the challenges
of implementing the following networks with max length 100m, 500m, and
2000m.Which type of cable and specification is cost effective to contract this computer
network? Marks 3
f) Differentiate three types of digital telephone services. Marks 3
g) Explain the following transmission media:
(i) Microwaves
(ii) Radio waves
(iii) Outline the advantages of microwave over Radio waves. Marks 3
h)Which of the OSI layers handles each of the following
(i) Dividing the transmitted bit stream in to frames.
(ii)) Determine which route through the subnet to use. Mark 1
Question No. 2 (15 Marks)
a) Write a short note on
i) Ethernet LANs
ii) CDMA/CD Marks 2
b) What are modulator and demodulator? Compare any two types of modulation (Phase
and amplitude) Marks 5
c) What is a network operating system? List four examples of network Operating system
Marks 3
d) Top-level domain can divided into how many areas? Give four examples for normal
classification of the seven generic domains with their description. Marks 5
Question No. 3 (15 marks)
a) Differentiate between circuit switching and message switching.
Marks 4
b) Define the work of Iterative and Concurrent server with their one advantage and
disadvantage. Marks 5
c) What do you understand by Host Identities and Name Services? Give and explain any
five host identities. Marks 6
Question No. 4 (15 marks)
a) (i) What were the major design goal of TCP/IP Reference Model. Mark 1
(ii) Explain any five layers of an OSI Reference Model. Marks 5
(iii) Give the differences between the OSI and TCP/IP Reference Models.
Marks 2
b) (i) What do you understand by the bandwidth? Mark 1
(ii) Explain the important points to be considered when calculate Data transfer.
Marks 2
c) (i) What do you understand by Fiber Distributed Data Interface(FDDI)?
Marks 2
(ii) Explain any two Protocol specification of the FDDI. Marks 2
Question No. 5 (15 marks)
a) (i) Define specification of the token ring. Marks 2
(ii) Explain any two token frame fields. Marks 2
b) (i) Give any two advantages of ISDN? Marks 2
(ii)What are two channels of ISDN? Give their properties. Marks 2
c) Explain any four techniques of preventing unauthorized data to a computer network
using fairwall. Marks 4
d) Explain any three Internet security threats and give the corresponding prevention
measurements. Marks 3

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