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Comp 461: Internetworking And Tcp/Ip Question Paper

Comp 461: Internetworking And Tcp/Ip 

Course:Bachelor Of Computer Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2008


Answer Question One and Any Other Two Questions.
QUESTION ONE (30 marks)
a) The ICT manager of Zain Company was in a meeting and one of the speakers said “name
systems are both essential and unnecessary?” on coming back he demand an explanation from
you. Make him understand what this means. (4 marks)
b) A newly established company wants to set up an inter-network and comes to you as their
consultant. The manager organizes a forum for you to explain TCP/IP features; briefly any
three. (6 marks)
c) As a network engineer you will always have to configure new devices to be accessible from
different points of the network thus the need to identify every device by their addresses.
Briefly explain the difference between physical addressing and logical addressing schemes.
(4 marks)
d) With the aid of a diagram briefly explain the BUS and TREE topology highlighting the
differences. (6marks)
e) Define routing? (2 marks)
f) With the advance in technology some government offices are still using stand alone systems.
As a newly appointed government IT consultant, brief the government officials on the
advantages of networking. (5 marks)
g) Briefly explain the basic name system functions. (3 marks)
QUESTION TWO (20 marks)
(a) Define a network protocol? (2 marks)
(b) In a public speech delivered by a network expert he said “In order to accomplish a task in any
network, the functions of each layers can not be ignored”. What then is the function of the
presentation layer and session layer of the OSI reference model? (4 marks)
(c) What is a bridge? Briefly explain the three basic types of bridges as used in networking.
(4 marks)
(d) TCP/IP is the most dominant protocol in the networking world. Briefly explain how TCP/IP
works. (4 marks)
(e) To make users enjoy working with a computer system the DNS was introduced. Briefly explain
how DNS work in theory. (3 marks)
(f) A network is considered unreliable without protocols. Highlight three protocols operating in the
application layer. (3 marks)
(a) Kabarak University wants to configure its network to use DHCP. Briefly explain what DHCP is
and how can it be configured in Windows 2000 server? (10 marks)
(b) Write short notes on
(i) Global area network. (2 marks)
(ii) Metropolitan area network. (2 marks)
(c) Routing algorithms often have one or more design goals explain any two. (4 marks)
(d) Define a TCP/IP implementation? (2 marks)
QUESTION FOUR (20 marks)
(a) What do you understand by the term internet standard? Briefly explain the standardization
process. (6 marks)
(b) A good routing algorithm can help reduce unnecessary traffic in a network. Briefly explain the
difference between flat and hierarchical routing algorithms. (4 marks)
(c) Explain the uses of DNS. (4 marks)
(d) Naming systems are considered to be both necessary and unnecessary. Explain the factors that
determine the necessity of a Name System. (3 marks)
(e) Differentiate between an intranet and an extranet. (3 marks)
QUESTION FIVE (20 marks)
Study the diagram above and answer the question that follows:
(a) An E-mail is to be sent from point X to point Y. From the OSI models reference point of view,
explain with the aid of a diagram what is happening to the message as it bounces around the
Internet on its way to Y through the layers. (10 marks)
(b) Differentiate between DNS servers and DNS resolvers. (4 marks)
(c) Explain why a layer network model is important? (4 marks)
(d) Define internetworking? (2 marks)

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