Bmgt 121: Introduction To Business Programming Question Paper

Bmgt 121: Introduction To Business Programming 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2008

1. Answer ALL questions in section A and any TWO questions in section B
2. Section A carry 30 marks while each question in section B carry 20 marks
SECTION A Compulsory (30 marks)
Question One (30 marks)
a) State the Office automation system (OAS) software that can suitably be used to replace
the filling cabinet in an office and give an appropriate reason for your answer. [2 marks]
b) Explain the following typing and editing options as applied in a word document
i. Overtype mode [2 marks]
ii. Insert mode [2 marks]
iii. drag and drop editing [2 marks]
c) Distinguish between program and data files and in each case state an appropriate file
extensions for the file [3 marks]
i. Outline the meaning of the term ³programming software´ [2 marks]
ii. Distinguish between ³source code´ and ³object code´ [4 marks]
iii. Explain the term Integrated development environment (IDE) as used in
programming [2 marks]
iv. Describe two basic methods of adding a control to a form during form design in
visual basic
[2 marks]
i. A secretary has forgotten where she saved a crucial file that is urgently required.
State the feature of windows operating system that can aid her to quickly locate the
file and outline the steps that she will follow to accomplish this task [3 marks]
ii. Outlines THREE imperative rules of thumb to be followed by computer users to
facilitate organization of computer files [4 marks]6
SECTION B Answer any TWO questions (40 marks)
Question Two (20 marks)
a) The diagram bellow depicts a hierarchical structure of an organizations
(i) Identify the management levels A to D in the above hierarchy [2 marks]
(ii) Define the term “Information System” [2 marks]
(iii)Other than Office automation system(OAS) state FOUR other types of information
systems [2 marks]
(iv)Giving an appropriate reason for your answer state the type of information system that
can suitably be used in each of the levels A to D [4 marks]
iii. Different office activities can be grouped into SIX types of operations outline
these operations [6 marks]
iv. Of the above six activities state the ones that can conveniently be handled by the
following OAS giving a reason for your answer.
· Word processor application program
· Spreadsheet program [4 marks]
Question Three (20 marks)
a) Distinguish between
i. Cell reference in a Microsoft word table and in a Microsoft excel worksheet
[2 marks]
ii. A value and a label in an excel worksheet [2 marks]
b) Using an example in excel explain the relationship between a function and arguments
[4 marks]
c) A shopkeeper requires a custom receipt maker application for a retail shop. The application
should not only be able to generate and print receipts but should also calculate total cost
inclusive of V.A.T. You are required to create this application using Microsoft excel. The
VAT should be calculated using a user defined function named TAX.
i. Outline the steps that you would follow in excel to create a user defined function
called tax. [2 marks]
ii. Taking the tax rate as 9.75% write the VBA code for the function TAX [4 marks]
iii. The following is a code extract of the receipt maker application from a
subprocedure named GetEntries. Study the code and explain its output [3 marks]
Do While numitems <= maxnumitems
item = InputBox("item name:", "make receipt")
If item = "" Then GoTo totalit
thecost = Val(InputBox("item cost:", "make receipt"))
outputrange.Cells(numitems, 1).Formula = item
outputrange.Cells(numitems, 2).Formula = Str(thecost)
numitems = numitems + 1 ''increment the number of items.
iv. Outline three advantages of a customized software over a software built from
scratch [3 marks]6
Question Four (20 marks)
a) By citing examples in visual basic explain the meaning of the following terms
i. Object
ii. Event
iii. Method
iv. properties
b) Study the following program and then answer the questions that follow
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim sColour As String
sColour = UCase(Trim(txtbold.caption))
Select Case sColour
Case Is = "RED"
Label1.BackColor = vbRed
Case Is = "BLUE"
Label1.BackColor = vbBlue
Case Else
Label1.BackColor = vbWhite
Label1.Caption = "unknown colour"
End Sub
(i) Identify and correct the errors in the program [2 marks]
(ii) Identify THREE objects in the code [3 marks]
(iii) Explain the purpose of the Ucase and Trim functions [2 marks]
(iv) Explain the output of the above program [3 marks]
c) (i) Given the statement n!= n x (n-1)! for n>1
Write a visual basic function procedure to determine the value of n! [3 marks]
(ii) Write a command button click event procedure that makes use of the function in
b(i) above to calculate the value of n! [3 marks]6
Question Five (20 marks)
i. Distinguish between bound and unbound controls as used in an access form
[2 marks]
ii. Give examples of when one can use bound and unbound objects [2 marks]
i. Give THREE advantages of using the form object in a database [3 marks]
ii. Tom is has designed a customer database that stores customer financial information.
To make the system friendly he has designed a customer form to display the
customer financial information. He would like the form color to change to the
company’s cooperate color which is green during run time but maintain the system
default grey color during design time. He would also like the form title to change to
Write the VBA code that will help Tom to achieve the desired tasks i.e.
¨ Change the form background color to green at run time
¨ Change form title to “CUSTOMERS FINANCIAL INFORMATION” at run
Time [3 marks]
iii. Tom has created a main menu form for the customer system and would like this
form to be loaded automatically and maximized whenever the database is opened.
He would also like a custom welcome message displaying the message
³WELCOME TO JACK AUDITORS´ and bearing the tile “JACK AUDITORS” to
appear on the screen once the main menu form loads. Explain how tom can
achieve this using the macro object. [6 marks]
i. Distinguish between a parameter and a select query [2 marks]
ii. What is an action query [2 marks]

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