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Bmgt 111: Introduction To Business Studies 2010/2011 Question Paper

Bmgt 111: Introduction To Business Studies 2010/2011 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010


i. The paper contains FIVE questions
ii. Answer Question ONE(COMPULSORY) and ANY OTHER TWO questions
iii. Marks are allocated at the end of each question

1. a) Given a choice to start a partnership or a sole proprietorship form of business, which
one would you start and why? (5 marks)
b) In either case chosen in 1(a) above, detail the registration procedure required.
(5 marks)
c) Discuss how the business operations are influenced by
i. Economic environment
ii. Political/legal environment
iii. Technological environment (6 marks)
d) i) Business interacts with society in a variety of different ways. Identify a company’s
relations with different primary stakeholders. (5 marks)
ii) Identify four social responsibility areas and explain ways in which a business would
be socially responsible to them. (4 marks)
iii) State the steps a manager can take to motivate his/her subordinates. (5 marks)

2. a) Outline the major managerial functions and explain how they are related to the
functions of the business. (10 marks)
b) Explain the main sources of funds for starting a small business in Kenya (5 marks)
c) In what ways can franchising form of business be beneficial to young upcoming
entrepreneurs in Kenya (5marks)
3. a) Define the term “money” (2 marks)
b) Explain the functions and qualities of money (8 marks)
c) Discuss the role of commercial banks in business (10 marks)
4. a) A group of horticulture farmers from Eldama-Ravine Township are in the process of
farming a public company as a way of increasing their returns in the farm enterprise.
However, they are not sure how to go about the process of registration. You have been
approached for advice on the way forward.
i. Discuss the pertinent issues that you will highlight to assist the farmers in this
exercise. (8 marks)
ii. Explain any potential benefits and limitations of operating a public company
(6 marks)
b) Highlight what you will discuss with the farmers on the importance of trying
co-operatives as a form of business. (6 marks)

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