Comp 121: Introduction To Computer Applications April 2009 Question Paper

Comp 121: Introduction To Computer Applications April 2009 

Course:Bachelor Of Education (Science)

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2009

Part-A is compulsory, has 30 marks and from Part-B, You can attempt any two questions. Each
question has 20 marks.
Question 1
a) What do you mean by ‘Word Wrap’? Marks 2
I. What is the use of Border tab in word processor? Mark 1
II. How do you add the Borders Toolbar in the screen area? Mark 1
III. Write all the three steps that how to apply border on your cell? Marks 3
c) Explain all the techniques used for moving text? Marks 2
d) What is a Clipboard? Describe its role while copying and pasting a particular text? Marks 2
e) How is the Spell check function useful to us? Marks 2
f) What are the benefits of Find & Replace command? Marks 2
g) Explain all the page layouts which are feasible for your document. Marks 4
h) What is Mail Merge ? List any two advantages of Mail Merge. Marks 3
i) Explain any four methods of eliminating viruses. Marks 4
j) Fill in the Blanks
I. When you use the _________ command, the resulting series replaces the original selected
II. Issuing command Delete from Edit menu will give you ________ options to delete.
III. Clearing format means that if there is any content with some format is there in current cell
then by
issuing clear format command will clear that ________________ only not
IV. If you have to replace a word in the document with another word you can
use__________________ command to do that
Marks 4
Question 2
a) What is the basic difference between a ‘Template ‘& a ‘‘Document’? Marks 4
b) What is a wizard? How can you create a document using wizard? Marks 5
c) What do you mean by ‘Style’? How can you create styles? Marks 2
d) What is a spreadsheet? Marks 2
e) What are the basic advantages of a Spreadsheet ( MS Excel) ? List all the limitations of the same?
Marks 4Page 3 of 4
f) True or False
I. Making range of the text is also known as selection of the cells.
II. Clearing content means that if there is any content with some format in current cell then by
clear content command will clear that formats not the contents alone.
III. To go to on a particular location or particular item use ‘find’ option. Marks 3
Question 3
a) What are functions? Marks 2
b) List any six categories of functions. Marks 3
c) Give any three examples of functions. Marks 3
d) Why would you want to use the Excel Auto format feature? Marks 2
e) How to use auto format in MS excel? Marks 3
f) Why does Excel sometimes replace your entries with # signs when you change the font or font
Marks 2
g) Explain the following Marks 5
1) Data
2) Computer
3) Program
4) Hardware
5) Software
Question 4
a) Explain the classification of computers according to their technology, purpose and size.
Marks 6
b) Differentiate between intranet and extranet. Marks 4
c) Explain any four types of network topologies. Marks 4
d) Briefly explain any three types of network advantages and disadvantages. Marks 6
Question 5
a) What is the positive and negative impact of internet? Marks 2
b) What is AutoCorrect? Marks 2
c) What is Mail Merge? Marks 2
d) What is Macro? Marks 2Page 4 of 4
e) What is computer memory? List four units of measure for computer memory and storage.
Marks 4
f) True or False
1. Microsoft Word is a Windows Based as well Linux Based word processing application.
2. Save and Save as options are exactly Same.
3. To insert Header and footer one can select the option Header and footer from Insert menu.
Marks 3
g) Fill in the Blanks
1. ________________ Shows the name of the document and situated in the top of the window
2. There are two types of scrollbars a. ____________________ b. ________________
3. In __________________ option of Page Setup command one can enter the amount of extra
space to add to the margin for binding.
4. Hot keys for Copy and Paste are ________________ and ___________ .
5. _________________ Layout gives you the view that you are working directly on the piece of
paper. Marks 5

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