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Comp 100: Introduction To Computer Applications Question Paper

Comp 100: Introduction To Computer Applications 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2008

Section A is compulsory and has 30 (marks). Attempt any TWO questions from Section
B. Each question has 20 (marks).
Question 1
a) Define the following terms:
(i) Hardware
(ii) Hardcopy
(iii) ROM
(iv) Byte (4 marks)
b) Briefly describe the three components that make up the central processing unit
(cpu). (3 marks)
c) Explain the role played by the following components within a computer hardware
i) RAM
ii) Output devices
iii) Auxiliary memory (3 marks)
d) i) Compute ADFB – 4C5F in hexadecimal (1 mark)
ii) Perform the following arithmetics:
· 111011112 divide by 1012 (1 marks)
· 351.48 multiply by 42.38 (1 marks)
· 78775.125 decimal to hexadecimal (1 marks)
e) i) Briefly describe the first four computer generation programming languages.
(4 marks)
ii) Differentiate between an interpreter and a compiler. (2 marks)
f) What is a web browser? Give two examples (3 marks)
g) What is a firewall? (2 marks)
h) What is firmware? (2 marks)
i) Differentiate between LAN and WAN (3 marks)
Question 2
a) Every computer needs an operating system. These systems may support multitasking,
multiprocessing and perform other functions.
i) Explain the term multitasking. (2 marks)
ii) Explain the term multiprocessing. (2 marks)Page 3 of 5
iii) Describe THREE other functions that the operating system perform when running
application programs. (6 marks)
b) Modern operating systems use disk and printer buffering
i) What is disk caching and why is it useful? (3 marks)
ii) What is printer buffering and why is it useful? (3 marks)
c) i) What is a user interface? (2 marks)
ii) Graphical user interface (GUI) is common. Give the name of another user interface
and give a reason why GUI is more popular than the user interface you named.
(2 marks)
Question 3
A student works part-time in a computer retail shop. The student has to deal with
customers who are not always familiar with computers. For each of the following
situations, provide an explanation that is as simple and non-technical as possible
(a) A customer asks for a laptop and mainframe computer
(1) Briefly explain the difference between a laptop and a mainframe computer
(2 marks)
(2) Following the explanation, the student says, “If you tell me the application for
which the computer will be used, then I will advice you on what kind of
computer you need”
Give an example of the type of application for which each of the following
types of computer is used:
(i) Mainframe (1 mark)
(ii) Mini (1 mark)
(iii) PC or Microcomputer (1 mark)
(iv) Laptop (1 mark)
(b)The shop sells a variety of printers; daisy wheel, dot matrix, inkjet and
(1) A business uses a carbonless/self-inking triplicate order form and the top sheet of this
form and the signature is reproduced on the bottom two sheets because of the pressure
of the customer’s biro. Which two of the above types of printer could be used to print
orders on these triplicate forms? (2 mark)
(2) An office printer is required. A large number of letters are printed each day and thus
speed and running costs are more important than initial costs. The printer should be
relatively quiet so that so it does not need to be housed in a separate room
(i) Suggest a suitable type of printer from the list above (1 mark)
(ii) For each of the other three types of printer listed, give a reason why it is less
suitable (3 marks)
(3) A customer wants a printer for domestic purposes; occasional letters, graphics for
children’s homework, printing pictures from a digital camera.
(i) What type of printer would you recommend in this case? (1 mark)Page 4 of 5
(ii) Give two reasons why you would make this recommendation. (2 marks)
(4) An architect needs a printer for engineering drawings. None of the printers in stock is
suitable. What type of output device would you recommend that the architect order?
(1 mark)
Question 4
A small theatre has just introduced a computerized system. Performances are held every
afternoon and evening, except on Monday and Tuesday when there is only one evening
show. A standing price is charged for both performances, with reduced rates for senior
citizens and children. The bookings file contains the following information:
Show code 3 Date 8(DD/MM/YY)
Performance 1(‘E’ or ‘A’) Seat No. 3 (1-200)
Cust. Name 20 Price Paid 5(£ NN.NN)
(a) Calculate the number of characters of storage space required for:
Booking on a Saturday, with all seats booked;
One week’s booking, with half the seats occupied (2 Marks)
(b) What information is needed from the customer before the system can check if a seat is
free? (2 Marks)
State why the system is more suited to on-line processing than batch processing
(2 Marks)
(c) With reasons, suggest a suitable backing storage medium, and list THREE ways the
theatre could keep its data secure. (6 Marks)
Describe TWO benefits the theatre would gain from using the system, and one possible
disadvantage (3 Marks)
Question 5
a) When using the Internet, a clerk downloaded a virus.
i) What is a computer virus? (3 marks)
ii) What should the computer system manager have done so that none
of the computers in the office became infected? (3 marks)
iii) Give TWO ways (other than from the Internet), that computers may
become infected with a virus. (2 marks)Page 5 of 5
b) Hackers who gain access to a computer system may damage the data or steal copies of
the files. Briefly describe the steps that should be taken
i) To prevent unauthorized access (2 marks)
ii) To ensure that stolen data is of no use to the thief. (2 marks)
iii) To ensure that damaged/ deleted data files can be recovered (2 marks)
c) Explain the terms
i) Verification (2 marks)
ii) Validation (2 marks)
d) A commonly used systems control is a control total. What is a control total?
(2 marks)

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