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Bmit 216: Introduction To Database Management System Question Paper

Bmit 216: Introduction To Database Management System 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Management And Information Technology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010


• Section A is compulsory.
• Attempt Four Questions
• Attempt any other three questions from Section B

SECTION A (40 Marks)
a) Describe the four main functions of DBMS. (4 Marks)
b) Explain the following terms: (4 Marks)
i. Domain
ii. Database management system
iii. Relation
iv. Weak entity
c) Which of the following plays an important role in representing information about the real world in the
database? Briefly explain. (6 Marks)
i. The data definition language
ii. The data manipulation language
iii. The data model
d) Define a foreign key and explain its importance in a database. (4 Marks)
e) As a DBA list five roles of a server in DBMS architecture. (5 Marks)
f) Database is made up of numerous relations what qualifies each to reside there? (5 Marks)
g) Explain the properties associated with a transaction. (5 Marks)
h) During requirement collection why would a database developer prefer to use research to interview?
(5 Marks)
i) Explain the not null constraint. (2 Marks)

SECTION B (20 Marks each)

a) Explain the role of the database designer. (6 Marks)
b) Explain the concept of data independence. (4 Marks)
c) Explain a superclass and a subclass and describe their relationship (4 Marks)
d) Simba sounds have decided to store information about musicians who performs on its album (as well as
other company data). Assuming that you were given the task of a database designer use the facts below
to design the conceptual schema and illustrate it with an E-R diagram. Indicate all the keys and
assumptions you make. (6 Marks)

• Each musician who records at Simba sounds has an Id No, name, address and phone number.
Poorly paid musicians often share the same address and no address has more than one phone.
• Each instrument used in songs recorded has a unique identification number, name (e. g flute,
guitar, drum etc) and a musical key.
• Each album recorded has a unique identification number, a title, a copyright date, format and
album identifier.
• Each song recorded has a title and an author.

a) Which system replaced the file-based system and what are its demerits? (5 Marks)
b) How does the database management system adopt the concept of data abstraction? (5 Marks)
c) Describe the importance of normalization. (4 Marks)
d) Explain the different anomalies associated with concurrency (6 Marks)

a) What are advantages associated with the two-tier architecture DBMS? (4 Marks)
b) Differentiate between the following: - (4 Marks)
i. Network model and relational model
ii. Two-tier and three-tier architecture
c) Explain the testing criteria for database (4Marks)
d) Explain the access controls that can be enforced to the database. (6 Marks)
e) Differentiate between a shared lock and exclusive lock (2 Marks)

a) Define a view and explain its importance in DBMS. (4 Marks)
b) Differentiate between the following:- (4 Marks)
i. Relation intension and relation extension
ii. Primary key and candidate key
c) Use the relation below to answer the questions that follow. (6 Marks)

Reg_No S_FName S_LName Address City
BMIT/M/0098/09/09 John Kairu 234 Nairobi
BMIT/N/0125/09/08 Upendo Juma 24598 Voi
BMIT/N/0056/04/09 Philip Ouma 5675 Nairobi
BMIT/M/0115/09/08 Monica Kibet 1198 Kericho

i. Retrieve the students whose address is Nairobi.
ii. Extend this table by adding the ‘C_Code’ attribute
iii. Update the address attribute for Philip to 8675
iv. Retrieve the names in a descending order.
d) Explain the update anomalies associated with redundant data. (6 Marks)

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