Bcom 363: Labour Relations Management Question Paper
Bcom 363: Labour Relations Management
Course:Bachelor Of Commerce
Institution: Chuka University question papers
Exam Year:2013
DAY/DATE: MONDAY 22/4/2013 2.30 PM – 4.30 PM
1. Write your registration number in the space provided in the answer booklet.
2. Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions. Question one carries 30 marks and the rest 20 marks each.
1. Case study:
Industrial relations had been challenging in Mazumbuko public service organization for many years. Difficulties had been exacerbated by disputes and strike ballots and a lack of trust between unions and managers. Unions believed that managers had gone back on negotiated settlements and did not acknowledge national agreements while managers claimed that the unions were unwilling to compromise or negotiate the changes to the status quo necessitated by a move towards local negotiations. Harsh words were exchanged from time to time.
In addition, between 2008 and 2011 there had been a transformation programme which had taken the organization from being one of the worst performers in its sector to one of the best in two years. The Chair, who had experience of working in other parts of the public sector, felt that in order to use the freedoms conferred by its operations status and prepare for the challenges ahead it was vital to get ready for local negotiations, notwithstanding the fact that both employer and unions were constrained by national agreements. An ongoing workload dispute, which the Chair described as “a festering sore”, was constraining negotiations on other issues. More collaborative industrial relations were a prerequisite for successful local negotiations, she believed, but it appeared to her that an external facilitator (Labour Officer) would be required to kick start the process.
The Labour Officer facilitated the process and one of the trade union representatives commented favorably on the Labour Officer’s model of transparency in industrial relations and said that he hopes for partnership working in the future while the other said that although there is greater trust and communication, there is sill room for improvement. The Chair is hoping to develop joint communications to the workforce in the near future. One particularly striking point was made by the Head of HR, who noted that during the Labour Officer’s visit, this was, for some people, the first time that they had sat down with a person from the opposite side in a non-conflict situation.
Overall, there was broad agreement between all those interviewed for this case study that the organization had travelled a considerable way in terms of the basic relationship between the HR function and the trade union representatives. At the outset, the relationship was seen to be relatively poor, characterized by low levels of trust and preconceptions about the ‘other side’. Trade union representatives felt that the HR function did not understand how they worked, or the industrial context in which they worked, due a lack of knowledge and experience. They were also frustrated at what they perceived to be delays in how the HR function point of view; there was a feeling that the trade unions did not understand them, the pressures they were under, and their role in general.
(a) Explain the objectives of trade unionism in labor relations management at Mazumbuko
public service organization. [10 Marks]
(b) Discuss the essentials of successful trade unions. [10 Marks]
(c) Explain the possible role of Human Resource function in labor relations processes of Mazumbuko public service organization. [10 Marks]
2. The management of Maridadi Company Ltd is considering the development of employee relations policies and has invited you as Human Resource Specialist in Labour Relations Management to make a presentation.
(a) Advice the management on how it stands to gain from such policies.
[6 Marks]
(b) In your presentation, explain to the management the various employee relations policy areas. [14 Marks]
3. (a) Explain the factors that influence employee relations climate of an organization. [10 Marks]
(b) Explain how poor employee relations climate can be improved. [10 Marks]
4. (a) Explain various employee communication areas and objectives. [8 Marks]
(b) State and explain core employee relations communication methods in
organizations. [12 Marks]
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