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Comp 220:Operating Systems August 2010 Question Paper

Comp 220:Operating Systems August 2010 

Course:Bachelor Of Computer Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010

2009/20010 ACADEMIC YEAR

Note: - Part-A is compulsory, have 30 marks and from Part-B, You can attempt any
two questions. Each question has 20 marks.

Question One (Marks 30) Compulsory
a) What are the basic components of computer system? Explain each one. Marks 4

b) What is processor register? Explain both control and status registers. Marks 5

c) Explain, where does the operating system exist in the overall computer system?
Marks 5
d) Explain any three objective of the operating system. Marks 6

e) How does buffering effect the performance of computer system? Marks 4

f) What are the limitations of buffering? Marks 2

g) What is simultaneous peripheral operation on line(SPOOLING) Marks 2

h) What is meant by kernel or supervision mode within an operating system? Marks 2

Question Two (Marks 20)

a) Distinguish between single stream batch processing and batch multiprogramming.
Marks 4
b) What is DMA? Marks 2

c) In what ways do virtual machines differ from real machines? Marks 2

d) Explain
i. Time sharing system. Marks 2
ii. Real time system. Marks 2

e) What is a Distributed operating system? Explain any two advantages. Marks 4

f) What is batch file? Create a batch file. Marks 4

Question Three (Marks 20)

a) How does one valuate scheduling algorithm? Explain any four issues of CPU scheduling.
Marks 8

b) Differentiate between system calls and system program Marks 2

c) What is meant by the term software interrupt? Marks 2 3

d) What are the main features of a graphical user interface? Marks 2

e)What is meant by the statements that a process is—
i. in the READY state?
ii. in the BLOCKED state? Marks 2
f) Explain any two access modes for operation on a file. Marks 4

Question Four (Marks 20)

a) Explain any six file operations. Marks 6

b) Explain any three fields in process table. Marks 3

c) Distinguish between preemptive, non-preemptive and cooperative scheduling methods.
Marks 2

d) What are the principal objectives of the I/O system? Marks 2

e) What are the functions of memory management? Why is it necessary? Marks 2

f) Explain any one way to avoid external fragmentation. Marks 2
g) Explain the advantages of thread over processes. Marks 3

Question Five (Marks 20)

a) What is the motivation for the weekly or monthly backup? Marks 3

b) Specify the permission codes which would give read access to all users, write access to the
owner and his/her group and executable access only to the owner. Marks 2
c) i) what are the four conditions for deadlock? Marks 4
ii) Explain the prevention of any two conditions. Marks 2
d) Explain all the three ways to access a file with their advantages and disadvantages.
Marks 9

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