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Dspm 023: Supply And Business Logistics Question Paper

Dspm 023: Supply And Business Logistics 

Course:Accounting,Finance And Investiments

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Differentiate the following terms
i) Logistics and Business logistics
ii) Supply chain management and global logistic
iii) Reciprocity and competitive bidding. (3marks)
b) Briefly explain the history of logistics. (4marks)
c) You are a manager in the supplies department of your organization. The training department starts a program to offer certification in the following areas:
i) Supply and Distribution management
ii) Supplier evaluation
Explain with examples why you would accept the training highlighting how your organization is bound to benefit. (6marks)
d) Elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of global supply in International supply. (5marks) e) What is a letter of credit? (2marks)

Question 2
Counter trade is an important aspect of trade. Explain what it is and give the main variants of counter trade. (20marks)

Question 3
Why is pricing relevant in supply and Business logistics? Highlight the pricing strategies familiar to you and give examples to support your answer. (20marks)

Question 4
Inventory management and transportation are very important in supply in Business logistics. Explain in your own words why this is so. (20marks)

Question 5
Warehousing is important in supplies management. Discuss. (20marks)

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