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Mktg 431: Strategic Marketing Question Paper

Mktg 431: Strategic Marketing 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer ALL Questions in SECTION A and any other TWO in SECTION B

You are the Marketing Manager for a generic products division of a major pharmaceutical manufacturer. Your division uses the corporation’s excess manufacturing capacity to produce generic prescription drugs (drugs whose patents have expired and can thus be manufactured by any company that wishes to produce them). Your division is a low-cost defender that maintains its position in the generic market by holding down its costs and selling generic products to distributors and pharmacies at very low prices.

Question 1
a) What are the implications of this business strategy for each of the 4P’s in the strategic marketing program. (12marks)
b) Identify the other two business strategies that can be pursued to gain a competitive advantage highlighting characteristics of each. (6marks)

Question 2
According to Robert Miles and Charles Snow business strategies can be based on the intended rate of product-market development. Identify the four strategies that they developed, highlighting their application in marketing success. (12marks)

Question 1
A product line is a set of all products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner. When developing the product line decision, the marketing managers can choose from five major strategies. Discuss the five product line strategies that can be adopted giving examples of Kenyan companies under each category. (20marks)

Question 2
Write short notes on each of the following marketing strategies. (20marks)
a) Market nicher and market follower
b) Terrorists and loyalists
c) Customer value and customer retention
d) Resource based view and value chain
e) Product development and innovation

Question 3
Marketing management and strategic marketing form a relationship that every marketer needs to keep in mind while formulating strategy. Show the relationship between these two fields by identifying the steps involved in both the marketing process and the strategic planning process. (20marks)

Question 4
a) Using suitable examples, describe the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix showing appropriate strategies that a marketer can use in product portfolio analysis. (12marks)
b) Briefly explain the challenges faced when implementing and controlling the marketing strategy. (8marks)

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