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Mktg 431: Strategic Marketing Question Paper

Mktg 431: Strategic Marketing 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) The internal organization environment is crucial for effective marketing strategy implementation. Discuss this statement in view of the dynamics of the internal environment of a firm. (10 marks)
b) Competition can be categorized on the basis of degree of product substitutability. Using relevant examples, explain exhaustively each category. (10 marks)
c) Using relevant examples discuss the common strategies used by market challengers and market followers as they consolidate their market positions. (10 marks)

Question 2
The Ansoff product market matrix is one of the commonly used tools by marketing strategists in developing strategies to be pursued by firms. Using a company that you are familiar with, show how they have applied the Ansoff product market matrix in formulating and implementing their strategies. (20marks)

Question 3
Write short notes on the following concepts in strategic marketing management;
a) Customer Value Analysis (CVA) (5 marks)
b) Functional strategy level (5 marks)
c) Vision and mission of an organization (5 marks)
d) Push and pull promotion strategy (5 marks)

Question 4
a) Micheal Porter identified five forces that shape and determine the level of competition in an industry. With relevant examples discuss how these forces affect marketing strategy formulation and implementation as a firm creates its competitive advantage. (15 marks)
b) State and explain briefly any two different types of strategic business units in the portfolio analysis as indicated by the growth-share matrix. (5 marks)

Question 5
a) Discuss with relevant examples the criteria for effective market niching and discuss whether it is a strategy suited only to small organizations. (10 marks)
b) You have been appointed as a marketing manager in a big multinational company which has various products, and they are in their various stages of product life cycle (PLC). Your immediate task is to review the prices of the various products.
Discuss the various pricing decisions in each stage of PLC. (10 marks)

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