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Bbit 214 / Cisy 222: System Analysis And Design Question Paper

Bbit 214 / Cisy 222: System Analysis And Design 

Course:Bachelor Of Science And Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE in Section A and any other TWO in Section B


Question 1
a) Explain the following systems concepts
i) Coupling
ii) Entropy
iii) Sub-optimality (6marks)
b) Outline two strengths and two weaknesses of each of the following system development approaches
ii) RAD
iii) Prototyping (12marks)
c) State six indicators of system obsolescence. (6marks)
d) A large order discount of 5% is given on all orders of over Kshs. 500. Trade customers receive an additional 25% discount irrespective of order value. Prepare a decision table for this scenario (3marks)
e) State three types of tests that should be conducted on an Information system(3marks)


Question 2
a) Distinguish the following in relation to an Information System
i) Development costs vs Operation costs
ii) Tangible benefits vs Intangible benefits (8marks)
b) In a typical ATM system, a customer uses an ATM card to either withdraw or deposit cash from his/her account. The ATM card has the account name, account number and upon use, a PIN number has to be given for security reasons. When a customer wants to deposit money, the system gives the customer a cash envelope of which is used to insert the money into the ATM system. Draw the context and level 0 diagrams for the above. (12marks)

Question 3
a) Outline any four skills or areas of knowledge that a systems analyst should have (4marks) b) Explain the following processes:
i) Grey hole process
ii) Spontaneous process
iii) Black hole process (6marks)
c) For each of the following relations, indicate which normal forms the relations conform to and show how the relations can be decomposed to the highest forms
i) ENROLLMENT (courseNo, studentNo, grade, instructor, roomNo)
FD: courseNo functionally determines instructor, courseNo fuctionally determines roomNo
ii) SALE (date, customer, product, vendor, vendorcity, salesrep)
FD: vendor functionally determines vendorcity, product fuctionally determines vendor (10marks)

Question 4
A bank business has checking account, saving accounts and customers. The customers include individuals and institutions. Both accounts have account number, amount deposited, amount withdrawn and balance as attributes. The institution customer has organization type, number of employees amongst others as attributes.
i) Create a conceptual data model for this bank business
ii) Indicate the cardinalities on the relationships (20marks)

Question 5
a) KeMu intends to replace its current MIS with a new one. Explain the different approaches for system changeovers that KeMu can use.
b) State two advantages and two disadvantages of each of the approaches in (a) above.(20marks)

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