Nrsg 430: Nursing Administration Question Paper

Nrsg 430: Nursing Administration 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2012

UNIT CODE : NRSG 430/354

Answer all questions.
SECTION I: Multiple choice questions.
Question One
The individual recognized as the "father of scientific management" is
Mc gregor
Question Two
Fayols principle of esprit de corps refers to
Subordination of individuals interest is to the common good
Development of a high level of employee morale
Encouragement of initiative and risk taking.
Emphasize of good setting.
Question Three
Which employee is most likely to be a representative of generation X.
Mary, who has worked at the hospital for 10 years and would not think of quitting.
Sue who is motivated by money and will change jobs when she is no longer challenged.
Bill, who is a hands-on learner and likes teamwork.
Jeff, who always wants to know why an action is being taken.
Question Four
Which core job characteristic promotes job satisfaction for nurses?
Rigid rules
Autonomy in decision making
Hierarchical decision making
Lack of communication with doctors.
Question Five
Which theory emphasize the importance of cooperation and participation in the workplace?
Chaos theory
Systems theory
Classical theory
Neoclassical theory.
Question Six
The following sets the standards for behavior in the organization.
The mission
The values
The philosophy
The mission
Question Seven
A chief nurse sends a memorandum to the nursing staff announcing a change in the policy concerning absenteeism. This represents an example of
Horizontal communication
Diagonal communication
Upward communication
Vertical communication
Question Eight
When communicating with an organization, employees are expected to respect the:
Use of technology
Chain of command
Decision-making method
Time factor in the communication process
Question Nine
Which activity would be considered expected behavour during the refreezing phase of planned change?
Developing policies and procedure
Working to develop trust
Identifying restraining forces
Allowing time for people to assimilate the change
Question Ten
Chaos theory embraces which of the following principles.
It is important that the observer not influence what is being observed
Certain parts of the world interact predictably with certain other parts
Relationship between objects are more important than objects themselves.
Change occurs following certain sequential steps.
SECTION II: Short Answer Question.
Question One
Explain four characteristics of an effective team. (8mks)
Question Two
Explain four consequences of inappropriate work-life balance. (8mks)
Question Three
Critique the following theories of management and leadership. (5mks)
Theory X and theory Y
Contingency theory
Question Four
Describe the application of Herzberg’s two factor theory in the motivation of nurses in a provincial hospital. (8mks)
Question Five
State six obstacles to effective organizational communication. (6mks)
Question Six
Explain three ways of doing performance appraisal. (6mks)
Question Seven
State five advantages of functional nursing care modality. (5mks)
Question Eight
Explain four roles of the nurse manager in respect to fiscal planning. (8mks)
Question Nine
State five ways of enhancing positive customer relatives in healthcare institutions. (5mks)
Question Ten
Explain three major strategies that a novice nurse manager cause to survive negative organizational politics. (6mks)
SECTION III: Long Answer Question
Question One
You are a nurse manager who wants to effect major changes in hospital X. describe the process of forming an effective team which will serve effective team which will serve as a "Change agent" in this process. (20mks)

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