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Bmit 417:Software Engineering August 2010 Question Paper

Bmit 417:Software Engineering August 2010 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Management And Information Technology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010



 Answer questions ONE and any other TWO.
Question ONE: (40 Marks)
a. Describe Engineering, Risk analysis and Planning in the Spiral Model. [3 Marks]
b. Differentiate between software Verification and software Validation. [4 Marks]
c. Explain the functions of testing. [5 Marks]
d. When designing a system you must ensure that the user experiences the power to maintain
control. Discuss the design principles that you will put in place. [4 Marks]
e. Describe the circumstances that can make you to adopt the usage of waterfall software
development model. [4 Marks]
f. Describe the objectives of software testing in any software development process.
[4 Marks]
g. Before any software test is conducted, a test plan is developed. What do you think are the
benefits of this test plan? [4 Marks]
h. Explain what is meant by FURBS software quality factors. [5 Marks]
i. What is software quality? Explain how defects can affect the software quality. [4 Marks]
j. Describe any three methods of organizing Verification & Validation Effort. [3 Marks]

Question TWO: (20 Marks)
a. Describe any Eight sections of a typical test plan. [4 Marks]
b. Describe any four representative qualities that make software’s testable. [4 Marks]
c. State and explain the main activities of maintenance in software engineering. [4 Marks]
d. State and briefly describe any FOUR types of software process models. [4 Marks]
e. Describe the factors to consider when selecting a software development model.[4 Marks]

Question THREE: (20 Marks)
a) Describe the classification of non-functional requirements of software. [6 Marks]
b) Explain what is done during project planning in the phase of identifying project scope and
objectives. [5 Marks]
c) What is software quality assurance? Why is it important in software testing phase?
[5 Marks]
d) What are the factors that can make facilitate software maintenance to take place now and
again? Explain [4 Marks]

Question FOUR: (20 Marks)
a) Define Risk and its characteristics. [3 Marks]
b) Define the following terms.
i. SDLC. [1 Mark]
ii. Maintenance. [1 Mark]
iii. Project planning [1 Mark]
c) Discuss the statement “Errors omitted in the analysis are the most expensive during
maintenance period”. [4 Marks]
d) Differentiate between the following set of terms in software engineering.
i. Goals, requirements, and constraints. [3 Marks]
ii. Activities, tasks, and resources. [3 Marks]
e) State and explain the main activities of software production. [4 Marks]

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