Hrmg 430: Labor Laws Question Paper
Hrmg 430: Labor Laws
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2010
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
a) Atieno is an employee at a company owned by RAJIT SHAH. At the end of last month, she was given her pay slip and she realized that her pay slip had many deductions. Atieno suspects that some deductions are illegal. She has come to you for some advice on legal deductions. Advice her? (8 marks)
b) Just as the Kenyan constitution provides some rights for the citizens of this nation, the Labour Relations Act also provides Freedom of Association of employees. Discuss these rights. (8marks)
c) The Labour institution Act has greatly empowered the Medical Officer. Explain the powers of the Medical Officer. (8marks)
d) What are the duties of employees while at work place as provided for in the occupational Safety and Health Act. (6marks)
a) Describe some forms of sexual harassment provided for in sec 6 of the Employment Act. (4marks)
b) Not all reasons are fair for dismissal or imposition of disciplinary penalty? Discuss some reasons which do not constitute fair reasons for dismissal or imposition of disciplinary penalty. (10 marks)
c) Examine the requirements of an employer who wishes to terminate a contract of service on redundancy reasons (6marks)
a) Some strikes are legal while others are illegal. Describe the strikes which are in compliance with Act. (8 marks)
b) How do trade unions use their funds? (8marks)
c) What are the effects of registering a trade union? (4marks)
a) The labour Institutions Act has established a wages council. Explain the functions of the wages council. (8 marks)
b) Enumerate the contents of the certificate of registration for employment agencies. (4marks)
c) Describe the powers of employment officer as provided in the labour institutions Act. (8marks)
a) List down 5 functions of technical advisory committee as provided in the occupational Safety and Health Act. (5 marks)
b) Define the term dependent as provided for in the work Injury Benefits Act (5 marks)
c) Four months to the commencement of every financial year the National Hospital Insurance Fund shall prepare estimates of revenue and expenditure. What are some of the provisions made in this estimate? (5marks)
d) What is the propose of Law (5marks)
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