Hrmg 430: Labor Laws Question Paper

Hrmg 430: Labor Laws 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS • Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) The previous six labour laws were repealed by parliament and new five labour laws enacted into law in the year 2007. Why was the necessary? (5marks)
b) Outline at least five elements of the new labour laws Act 2007. (5marks)
c) A contract of service is an agreement between two or more persons, whether oral or in writing, expressed or implied to employ or serve as an employee for a period of time. Clearly explain the properties of a valid contract. (5marks)
d) Giving examples, explain at least FIVE employee deductions are allowed by the labour law. (5marks)
e) What debts can the minister undertake to pay the employees when he is satisfied that an employer is insolvent? (5marks)
f) When is an employ justified to give his employee summary dismissal? (5marks)
Question 2
Briefly explain the duties of the following labour institution as stipulated in the labour institution Act 2007. i) National labour Board ii) The industrial court iii) The committee of inquiry iv) Wage councils. (20marks)
Question 3
a) Outline the causes of injuries and poor health as a result of one`s occupational duties. (10marks)
b) How can the above (3a) be minimized? (10marks)
Question 4
a) Discuss the obligation of employer with regard to work injury Benefits Act 2007.(10marks)

b) When does a worker have right to compensation under work injury Benefit Act 2007.(10marks)
Question 5
a) What are the requirements the registrar is suppose to meet before cancelling or suspending Trade Union, Employers organization or federation of employers’? (10marks)
b) Clearly explain the basic welfare facilities an employer is expected to provide at the work place. (10marks)

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