Dhrm 025 : Labour Relations Management Question Paper

Dhrm 025 : Labour Relations Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
SGA group of companies is among the country’s largest producer of tea and employs approximately 6,500 people in 5 plants in five communities in five communities in Kericho. Over the years SGA has enjoyed a reputation as a steady job provider in an unstable industry making a profit of approximately shs. 7 million. The company provided for its workers and treated them like family members. Many believe that the company’s generosity to its employees and the town of Kericho helped to defeat an earlier organizing drive by the Kenya Plantation and Agricultural workers union. During the 90’s the entire tea industry experienced major problems. Growing foreign competition and cheap imports had a negative impact on domestic market. Many attempts were made to reverse the impact by intensive capital investment in new technology, reorganization and downsizing of plants and by instituting programs to improve employee productivity and efficiency. Despite all these efforts SGA didn’t manage to get out the woods. Its international market continued to shrink. Faced with increasing competition the company was forced to reduce the pay scales for its employees and rescind many of the perks that the workers had enjoyed. Many of these changes drew protests and created a good deal of tension between workers and management. This was especially so when the management tried to squeeze more working hours from the employees so as to increase the level of productivity. Despite its earlier defeat, the Kenya plantation and Agricultural workers union was back in SGA, armed and ready for an organizing effort that would divert the attention of SGA management for several long tense months.
a) Assuming you are the Director of Industrial Relation at Kenya plantations and Agricultural workers union assess the chance of a successful recruitment drive citing the reasons to your opinions. (10marks)
b) In the event the union carries out a successful recruitment drive, discuss any five important issues that will be included in the collective Bargaining Agreement. (10marks) c) Discuss any five forms of strike that the employees of SGA industry may resort to in the event that the management resists any attempt to organize. (10marks)

Question 2
a) Its always said that justice should not only be done but also appear to be done. Discuss any five principles of grievance handling procedure that would ensure a grievance handling procedure is efficient and fair. (10marks)
b) Define any five of the following term as used in industrial relations. (10marks)
i) Collective Bargaining Agreement
ii) Redundancy
iii) Essential services
iv) Lockout
v) Wildcat service

Question 3
The Industrial Relations charter was founded in 1957 on a common realization that it was in national interest of the government, employers and workers to recognize the importance of consultation and co-operation as a prerequisite for efficiency and productivity in all enterprises.
a) What are the obligations of the three parties a stipulated in the charter. (15marks)
b) The industrial court plays a key role in the arbitration of trade disputes and has been one of the country’s pillar for maintenance of industrial peace. Discuss the mandate of the court as stipulated in the Labour Relations Act, 2007. (5marks)

Question 4
a) The most important result of modern industrial revolution is the evolution and growth of trade unions. Its success is however a subject of debate. What are the courses of failure in trade unions. (10marks)
b) Discuss any solutions that you would recommend to ensure the success of the trade unions. (5marks)
c) Discuss any five functions of trade unions. (5marks)

Question 5
a) Make short notes on the following important provisions in industrial relations noting to cite the statutory provisions under which they fall.
i) Right to organize and collective bargaining (5marks)
ii) Freedom of association (5marks)
b) Discuss any five objectives of international labour organization in its attempt to solve some international labour problems. (10marks)

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