Dhrm 025 : Labour Relations Management Question Paper
Dhrm 025 : Labour Relations Management
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) Define the term ‘labour relation’ (5marks)
b) Briefly explain the features of labour relation (10marks)
c) Discuss the types of labour relations (10marks)
d) State the labour relations objectives (5marks)
Question 2
The success of any organization depends on the type of a relation it has towards the stakeholders.
a) State and explain any five factors of a poor relation (10marks)
b) Briefly suggest the ways to improve it (10marks)
Question 3 a) A HR manager plays a major role in developing employee relations strategies and policies. What are the aims of a HR functions in employee relationship (10marks)
b) Define the term ‘grievances’ and explain briefly how they are discovered (10marks)
Question 4
Discipline is an act of instilling acceptable behaviour in a person or persons. Discuss the types of disciplinary actions that are used in well managed organizations. (20marks)
Question 5
Write short notes on the following (20marks)
a) Collective bargaining
b) Trade union
c) Labour laws
d) Teams
e) Power in organisations
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