Dhrm 025 : Labour Relations Management Question Paper
Dhrm 025 : Labour Relations Management
Course:Business Administration
Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers
Exam Year:2011
INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
Onyango was employed as a Service Technician for the ABC Power and lighting company from August 1999 to March 2011. On December 27, 2010, Onyango was dispatched to a customer who reported a continuous power surge at his house. Onyango’s report showed that he had spent 26 minutes at the customer’s premises and that no fault was found hence no repairs were made. Later the same day, in response to a second call from the same customer, another technician was send to the customers home. The second technician checked the current flow levels. He tested the lines from the pole and the fault was located less than two feet from the pole. The technician replaced the line and put the faulty line in the back of his trick. Subsequently, Onyango’s immediate supervisor talked to the second technician and examined the damages line. On December 28, 2010 the supervisor met with Onyango and informed him that he was being suspended pending investigation for being negligent in responding to a customers report. The suspension lasted more than one month without any information being relayed to him about the progress of the investigators. By a letter on 2nd March, 2011 the grievant was notified that he was being terminated based on the company’s findings. The union which apparently has been having continuous disputes with the management contends that a fair grievance procedure was not followed in handling the grievance and that at most Mr. Onyango should have got a warning letter rather than a suspension. The union has even threatened to move to the industrial court if Onyango is not reinstated. The company on the other hand contends that the procedure was fair.
a) In your own assessment, what could be the reasons as to why the union is alleging that the grievance handling procedure was unfair? (10marks)
b) Outline the probable reasons why the union has been having industrial disputes with the management. (10marks)
c) In the event the union moves to court and they are heard, what are the likely remedies that the industrial court would award. (6marks)
d) What are the industrial actions available to either party in the event they fail to agree on the way forward. (4marks)
Question 2
a) Critically examine the reasons as to why employees participate in the formation of trade union movements. (10marks)
b) Outline the government’s responsibilities as highlighted in the industrial relations charter. (5marks) c) Outline five objectives of the central organization of trade unions. (5marks)
Question 3
Make short notes on the following:
a) Freedom of association
b) Right to organize any collective bargaining
c) Lockouts and strikes
d) Conciliation
e) Essential services (20marks)
Question 4
The role of collective bargaining as an effective tool for industrial democracy and social justice has been recognized for many years in Kenya.
a) Outline the merits of collective bargaining process. (6marks)
b) What are the demerits of collective bargaining process. (6marks)
c) Discuss four important clauses that are of importance in a collective bargaining agreement. (8marks)
Question 5
Despite their existence since the industrial revolution trade unions have been accused of being inefficient and lacking the capacity to articulate on the issues facing employees. What are the likely causes of this failure. (20marks)
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