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Dhrm 025 : Labour Relations Management Question Paper

Dhrm 025 : Labour Relations Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS • Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
a) The idea of good labour relations in the management of modern business is as important as any other resource required for the success or otherwise of such business. In view of this statement, explain any FIVE roles or significance of labour relations in management of organizations. (10marks)
b) Communication is an integral part in the success of any business enterprise as well as in effective labour relations. However, there are certain barriers to effective communication. Explain FIVE such barriers. (10marks)
c) Discuss the role played by the Kenya Industrial court in ensuring good labour relations in Kenya. (10marks)

Question 2
a) Define the term grievance and describe FOUR desirable features of a grievance procedure. (10marks)
b) Highlight FIVE reasons why employees
i) Join trade unions. (5marks)
ii) Do not join trade unions. (5marks)

Question 3
i) Outline FIVE objectives of COTU. (5marks)
ii) Outline the circumstances that would make a strike or a lock out unlawful within the Kenyan labour laws. (5marks)
i) Define the term industrial relations charter. (2marks)
ii) Outline the government`s responsibilities in Industrial Relations according to the industrial charter. (5marks)

Question 4
a) In the collective Bargaining process, there are FOUR types of bargaining activities. Identify and describe each of the activities. (10marks)
b) A contract of employment is a legally enforceable agreement, either orally or in writing. Explain the features of a valid contract of employment. (10marks)

Question 5
a) You have just been appointed as representative of government in the International Labour Organization. (ILO). Explain the key functions of ILO. (10marks)
b) Explain the benefits that would accrue to the employees in an organization that practices joint consultation. (10marks)

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