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Coun 215: Learning Theories Question Paper

Coun 215: Learning Theories 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any FOUR Questions. Answer ONE Question From Each Section


Question 1
Human development theorist do not always agree with each other. Three controversial issues in human development are-:
i) Continuity versus discontinuity
ii) Organismic versus mechanistic
Define each of these controversies and state what position you take. (15marks)

Question 2
Define learning. How does learning take place? What are some things that may hinder learning? Suggest ways to overcome each of these hindrances. (15marks)

Question 3
What is learning motivation? Outline some characteristics of a learner who is not motivated. Suggest ways to motivate the learner. (15marks)


Question 4
Discuss the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain giving examples of each domain. What does each domain cover? What is the danger of ignoring the affective domain? (15marks)

Question 5
What is multiple intelligence? How will multiple intelligence affect your teaching style? (15marks)

Question 6
What is Gestalt psychology? What are some of the advantages of this concept? (15marks)


Question 7
Critique Kohlberg`s stages of moral development in terms of moral thought and behavior. Is moral behavior consistent as people move up the stages? What factors may cause behavior to relapse? What are the implications of Kohlberg`s stages in education? (15marks)

Question 8
Define and contrast the three types of behavioral learning theories (contiguity, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning), giving examples of how each can be used in a teaching situation. (15marks)

Question 9
What is a reinforcer? Discuss the two types of reinforcers that may be used to change behavior. What are the positive and negative reinforcers? What is the role of punishment in changing behavior? (15marks)


Question 10
Discuss the cognitive learning theory. What are Piaget`s contributions to this theory? What are some of its implications to learning? (15marks)

Question 11
What is the humanistic psychology? Discuss the contributions of Abraham Maslow to this theory. What Maslow`s hierarchy of needs? (15marks)

Question 12
Define the following terms: Immediacy of consequences, shaping, and Extinction. Suggest ways to apply these terminologies in a learning situation. (15marks)

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