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Buss 217/Bbit 321: Management Information Systems Question Paper

Buss 217/Bbit 321: Management Information Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Science And Technology

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Define the following terms in the context of business information systems:
i) Boundary
ii) Business Information system
iii) Entropy
iv Intranet (4marks)
b) Suggest four uses of a Transaction Processing Systems in the following areas of business
i) Sales and Marketing.
ii) Finance and Accounting
iii) Human resources management
iv) Manufacturing and production (4marks)
c) The levels of management, information systems, functional organization and key stakeholders in a business enterprise have some intrinsic link. Use a schematic illustration to explain the relationships amongst them (10marks)
d) Explain why Local Area Networks (LANs0 have been most successful in business organization (6marks)
e) Discuss three functions of key goals of security and controls over computer based systems (6marks)

Question 2
a) Why is user training important during the implementation phase of an IS development? Suggest any six training methodologies available for use during this exercise (8marks)
b) Lack of historical data and prior knowledge of an information system makes it difficult to estimate the cost of an information systems project.
Formulate a checklist that could assist an organization in identifying, quantifying and evaluating information systems costs. (12marks)

Question 3
Transaction processing is a critical stage in the life of a Transaction Processing System (TPS). Required:
a) Identify and describe two approaches that can be used to process a transaction (4marks)
b) Describe the key steps of a transaction processing (10marks)
c) Discuss six techniques that can be used to secure a TPS from intrusion (6marks)

Question 4
a) Discuss the organizational, technical, economic, and operational issues that are critical in successful implementation of e-commerce applications (6marks)
b) Give four reasons that may make an organization to abandon information systems project (4marks)
c) During a bespoke development project, the systems development life cycle will include a number of steps ranging from requirement analysis design, system implementation to its maintenance. Which of these steps is relevant to an off-the-shelf system? Explain the activities that might be involved. Based on your understanding; explain how this approach to systems development would sharply contrast to the traditional systems development. (10marks)
Question 5
Discuss the following types of organizational information systems in terms of their definition, their inputs, processes, outputs and their users:
i) Transaction Processing System(TPS)
ii) Management Information Systems (MIS)
iii) Decision Support Systems (DSS)
iv) Executive Support System (ESS) (20marks)

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