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Buss 217/Bbit 321: Management Information Systems Question Paper

Buss 217/Bbit 321: Management Information Systems 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
Khamonya`s business operations are distributed all over Kenya with main offices in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, Garissa and Nyeri. The business requires timely information at all locations on real time basis and demand for quality of service from customers has increased over the last six (6) months. The business deals in fast moving goods. A recent breakdown on data communication connection/ system between Nairobi and Kisumu brought business in the Lake city to an almost stand still.
From your understand of a management information system attempt the following questions
a) What kind of databases do you think Khanonya`s business maintains. Explain. (6marks)
b) Could business be having point of sales (POS) systems as well. Explain. (6marks)
c) What kind of network do you think connects all the branches country wide. (6marks)
d) Could the breakdown on the Kisumu - Nairobi be avoided? How should the business address this? (6marks)
e) What confirmation about the customers do expect the senior managers to require, give the nature of the business. (6marks)

Question 2
Provide the definition of a “information system” and explain why a management information system (MIS) is import for modern businesses. (5marks)

Question 3
a) In considering an MIS for a business we should pay attention to the management functions. Explain how an information system would be useful for any three (3) of the management functions that you know of. (6marks)
b) Explain any three (3) management challenges associated with management information systems. (6marks)
c) State and illustrate a diagram, the components of a typical management information system. Explain the use of each component. (8marks)

Question 4
a) Explain the five steps of phases involved in the development of information systems. (10marks) b) Why is it specifically necessary to involve the end user in the system development? (4marks) c) i) Why is system security important for any information system? (2marks)
ii) List any FOUR ways in which system security can be ensured. (4marks)

Question 5
a) What is e-commerce? Provide. (4marks)
b) Suppose you were to develop in e-commerce system, what components/ aspects would such a system, comprise. (6marks)
c) What type is most suited for e-commerce system. Explain your answer. (3marks) d) State any THREE (3) challenges associated with e-commerce. (3marks)
e) List the types of computer networks that you know of. (4marks)

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