Swk 110: Introduction To Social Work  Question Paper

Swk 110: Introduction To Social Work  

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Sociology

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2014

MOI UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2013/2014 ACADEMIC YEAR FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS COURSE CODE: SWK 110 COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO SOCAIL WORK INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any four questions. All questions carry equal marks (17 ½ marks) 1. a. Define social work and explain who is a social worker. b. The scope of social work is gradually expanding internationally and inter-racially giving help to those who need it. Explain in detail this statement giving examples from the Kenyan perspective. 2. The study of the relationship between social work and other social sciences is important in understanding the comprehensive nature of social work itself. Discuss in detail this relationship. 3. The treatment phase of social case work is the most important in the service of case work. Discuss in detail the techniques used to make the treatment process successful. 4. Social workers while working with clients provide a wide range of services to the client system. Discuss in detail your roles as a social worker in meeting the client’s needs in your field of practice. 5. While dealing with your clients you have to record the proceedings of the sessions you had with your clients. Explain the principles of case work recording which you will apply to ensure your records are in order. 6. With the aid of examples, discuss in detail the principles of social welfare administration in social work practice. 7. What do you understand by social action? Using relevant examples discuss in detail the principles of social action that a social worker would use to ensure that everyone in the community is brought on board during a social action event.

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