Cmd 110: Introduction To Community Development  Question Paper

Cmd 110: Introduction To Community Development  

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Sociology

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2014

UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2013/2014 ACADEMIC YEAR FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COURSE CODE: CMD 110 COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INSTRUCTIONS: answer any four questions. All questions carry equal marks (17 ½ marks) Q1. (a) What do you understand by the term community development? (8 marks) (b) Discuss three theoretical conceptions and two assumptions of community development (9 ½ marks) Q2. Discuss the history of community development around the world by highlighting its major tenets (17 ½ marks) Q3. A major donor country is in the process of financing a major water project in Isiolo District. Provide information that can be used to make this decision (17 ½ marks) Q4. (a) Who is a change agent? Using examples discuss 5 roles of Change Agents in Kenya (9 ½ marks) (b) Discuss three factors that are likely to affect the work of Change Agents in Kenya (8 marks) Q5. (a) What is leadership? Why is the concept of leadership important to a community development worker? (8 marks) (b) Discuss two styles of leadership and 5 roles of a leader in community development (9 ½ marks) Q6. What is participation? Why is the concept of participation important in community development? Discuss using relevant examples. Q7. Using examples, identify and discuss two collective social action models used in community development Q8. Using appropriate examples, discuss the role of non-governmental organizations in the development of communities in Kenya.

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