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Mktg 332: Sales Management Question Paper

Mktg 332: Sales Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
Taifa holding is a medium sized company (small by comparison to competitors) in the area of clothing and sporting products. The company has grown from a small family owned employing 3 people to a partnership employing over 100 people with a sales force of 30 including three senior key account staff. Most of the sales force call on independents small chain and leisure centers and undertake merchandising and service tasks with large retailers. The company supplies a range of over 300 items including all types of equipment such as rackets, balls, footwear, sport clothing and other related sports products. Eighty percent of their business is on clothing. Taifa holdings at one time manufactured various items but faced with high costs of production and reduced business now buy direct from clothing manufactures under contract and also acting as a distributor for other companies. In an effort to improve the sales performance of the company they have recruited John Manene as the company’s sales manager.
As the sales manager was preparing the next years sales plan, information available indicate a declining market share for the company in all its sales territories. Further information revealed that there were no clear criteria for recruitment and training of the sales force. John felt that if the company has to achieve its objectives these areas and others like remuneration package motivation and incentives for the sales force need to be reviewed otherwise the company would continue to be squeezed by low priced competition at the bottom end and by highly quality more prestigious brands at the top.
a) Explain as a sales manager the steps you would take to improve the recruitment and selection of sales people in order to improve the company’s performance (10 Marks) b) Identify and explain five major decisions required for building an effective sales training programme for Taifa holdings (10 Marks) c) In order to motivate the sales force for the company highlight at least five requirements of a good compensation plan (10 Marks)

Question 2
a) Explain in which ways the selling tasks differ between copier machines and selling the paper used in these machines (10 Marks)
b) Explain factors considered in sales forecasting and difficulties involved (10 marks)

Question 3
The fundamental purpose for which sales people are employed is to retain existing business and win new customers. In an effort to achieve this objective, discuss the various functions of sales people (20 Marks)

Question 4
a) As a sales person of a new consumer product in the market, identify at least two most common basis of objection and how you would deal with them. (12 Marks)
b) Describe at least four attributes of a good sales person. (8 Marks)

Question 5
Discuss the role of a sales manager of an organization and the emerging trends in the functions of a sales manager (20 Marks)

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