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Bmit 416:It Security Ethics And Audit August 2010  Question Paper

Bmit 416:It Security Ethics And Audit August 2010  

Course:Bachelor Of Business Management And Information Technology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010


 Answer ALL questions in Section A and any THREE in Section B


Section A (40 marks) Answer ALL Question in this Section
Question One (40 marks)
i). Explain the meaning of the terms Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) as
applied in a secure system [6 marks]

ii). Explain how the user logon process provided by operating systems provide for the logical
interdependence between authentication and authorization [4 marks]

i). A security policy formally partitions a system into two states. Outline the two states
[2 marks]
ii). With respect to the two states of a system portioned by the security policy outline the
meaning of the following terms [2 marks]

I. A secure system
II. Breach of security
c) Given that ‘X’ is a set of entities and ‘I’ is information, explain when the following statements
will apply [3 marks]

i). ‘I’ has confidentiality with respect to ‘X’
ii). ‘I’ has integrity with respect to ‘X’
iii). ‘I’ has availability with respect to ‘X’

d) Explain the concept of a Trusted Entity with regard to a secure system; hence outline three
examples of typical trusted entities. [3 marks]
e) Outline the meaning of the following terms [3 marks]
i). Group Policy
ii). Active Directory
f) i). Security Auditing monitors various security-related events. Explain why monitoring
system events are necessary [2 marks]
ii). Outline THREE examples of events that can be audited [3 marks]
g) A programs needs to run as Administrator, but you don’t want to give the account full
administrative rights, outline the steps that you would follow to achieve this objective
[2 marks]

i). Rhoda registers a domain name “” using the name of a renowned
publishing house Addison Wesley publishers and refuses to sell the domain name even to
the publishing house to use for their website to reach their customers. Explain how
Rhoda’s action perpetuates the violations of Availability and Integrity [5 marks] 3

ii). Explain the concept of a trusted third party in an authentication scheme hence outline how
Kerberos authentication scheme applies this concept [5 marks]

Section B (60 marks) Answer ANY THREE Questions in this Section Each Question
Carry 20 Marks

Question Two (20 Marks)

i). What is the size of the keyspace for the affine cipher over the English alphabet?
[4 marks]
ii). Explain why encrypting a message twice with an affine cipher is no more effective that
encrypting once with an affine cipher. Explain your answer using two affine ciphers with
keys (a1, b1) and (a2, b2) [5 marks]
b) Is encrypting a message twice with DES a good strategy for strengthening DES? Explain your
answer [3 marks]
i). State Fermat’s Little Theorem and Euler’s Theorem and explain how the two differ from
each other [3 marks]

ii). Distinguish between a composite and a prime number hence state whether the number 2333
+ 1 is composite or prime, if prime explain why, if composite find factors [5 marks]

Question Three (20 Marks)
i). Explain why security is very important in wireless networks [2 marks]
ii). Explain the difference between using open authentication and pre-shared keys
[2 marks]
i). Which two statements characterize wireless network security? (Choose two) [2 marks]
I. Wireless networks offer the same security features as wired networks
II. Wardriving enhances security of wireless networks
III. With SSID broadcast disabled an attacker must know the SSID to connect
IV. Using the default IP address on an access point makes hacking easier
V. An attacker needs physical access to at least one network device to launch an attack
ii). What type of authentication does an access point use by default? [1 mark]


c) Describe how intruders use the following Wireless intrusion techniques to gather private
information [4 marks]

i). Searching publicly available resources

ii). Social engineering

d) Explain how the following types of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks can occur in a wireless
LAN and identify the tools that can be used to perform these attacks. [4 marks]

i). RF jamming
ii). Data flooding

e) Outline the purpose of a key in encryption systems hence distinguish between private and public
key cryptography [5 marks]
Question Four (20 Marks)
a) Distinguish between a discretionary and a mandatory access control policies [4 marks]
i). Define the term covert channels as applied in computer security [2 marks]

ii). Outline the meaning of the term Declassification in the context of computer security
[2 marks]
c) An ordinary UNIX system implements Mandatory Access Control (MAC) policy using straw
man fallacy as outlined bellow

• Put labels on all files and directories
• assign each user a security level
• Determine current security level dynamically
• When user logs in, start with lowest current-level
• Increase current-level as higher-level files are observed
• If user’s level does not dominate current, kill program
• If program writes to file it doesn’t dominate, kill it
Is the above implementation secure? Explain your answer [4 marks]
d) A LINUX or a UNIX operating system allows users to set file permissions thus controlling file
access. Consider the following file permission

-rw-rw-r-- 1 Jane Staff 78965 Sep 9 20:30 SALARY

i). What does the following information in the file permission represent? [5 marks]

• Jane
• Staff 5

• 78965
• Sep 9 20:30

ii). Outline the interpretation of the file permission [3 marks]

Question Five (20 Marks)
i). With respect to computer security outline the meaning of a firewall [2 marks]

ii). Outline FOUR types of firewall techniques [4 marks]

b) Explain how spoofing can be used to attack firewalls [4 marks]

c) List and explain FIVE network threats that a firewall does not protect against. (If a threat only
applies to certain types of firewalls, then explain why this is the case.) [10 marks]

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