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Stmg 543: Global Strategic Management Question Paper

Stmg 543: Global Strategic Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any FOUR Questions

Question 1
Multinationals managers of the next generation will need skills not always considered necessary for domestic only managers. Discuss the characteristics of a next generation multinational manager. How can you develop those characteristics through education and experience? (25 marks)

Question 2
Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of setting up communication services in developing nations. Consider the benefits of market growth and risk of the venture. Consider the position of ZAIN in Kenya. If you were the CEO, would you think that ZAIN made the right move? (25 marks)

Question 3
You work for a company with three major products. Your CEO has decided to sell these products in the international market place. She asks your advice in setting up an organizational structure. What issues would you discuss with her regarding the company’s international strategy before making any recommendations? (25 marks)

Question 4
Identify some areas in multinational companies where cultural control might work better than bureaucratic control would. (25 marks)

Question 5
What are the characteristics of a good partner in a strategic alliance? How do these partner traits help make a strategic alliance successful? (25 marks)

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