Nrsg 112:Community Health Nursing Ii  Question Paper

Nrsg 112:Community Health Nursing Ii  

Course:Community Health Nursing

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Community Health Nursing II (NRSG 112) 2nd trimester 2013




Answer all the questions in the booklet provided.

MCQs choose the most appropriate response.

Question One

The endorsement of Primary Health Care was contained in the Alma Ata declaration in the year

(a) 1978

(b) 1977

(c) 2000

(d) 1998

Question Two

In family planning, fertile mucus is

Watery, blood stained, pink
Blood stained, stretchy, clear.
Pink, raw egg white, stretchy
Opaque, sticky, cutting.
Question Three

Diseases prevented by pentavalent vaccine include:

Pertusis, whooping cough, hepatitis B
Diphtheria, whooping cough, hepatitis A.
Hepatitis B, Haemophilas influenza type A, tetanus.
Tetanus, pertusis, Tuberculosis
Question Four

Community diagnosis is defined as:

A branch of medicine concerned with the health of the whole population.
The assessment of the health status of the whole population
Identifying diseases outbreak in the community.
The process of collecting information, analyzing and distributing results.
Question Five

The policy of open vaccine states that:

Discard all open vaccines at the end of the session
Discard polio, BCG, PCV10 at the end of the session
Discard all open vaccines with evidence of contamination
Discard measles, yellow fever and BCG after four hours.
Question Six

The slogan "health of the people by the people for the people" best describes

Community interventions
Community involvement and participation in PHC
Community based health care
Primary health care
Question Seven

The elements of primary health care added by the Kenya Government include:

Local disease control, EPI, malaria control.
Eye care, dental care, MCH/FP
Eye care, dental care, community rehabilitation
Expanded programmed on immunization, MCH/FP, eye care
Question Eight

Equipment used in maintenance of cold chain include

Refrigerators, freezers, vaccine carriers, icepacks
Thermometers, freezers, refrigerators, icepacks
Icepacks, vaccine carriers, cold chain monitors, freezers
Vaccine cold chain monitors, vaccine carriers, icepacks, refrigerators.
Question Nine

The pneumococcal vaccine is

Potent after 6 hours and can be used in subsequent sessions.
Given in four doses, one month apart.
Can be given with other vaccines in the immunization schedule
Effective in protecting against conditions caused by all pneumoccus bacteria serotypes
Question Ten

Community oriented roles of a community health nurse include

Case finder, care manager, counselor
Direct patient care, care finder, care manager
Care manager, counselor, primary health care provider
Primary health care provider, care manager, health educator.
Question Eleven

In the organization of health care services, primary health care levels are:

Level I, II, III, & IV
Level VI, V, IV, & III
Level I & II only
Level I, II and IV
Question Twelve

Expected reactions after BCG immunization include all the following EXCEPT

Wheal formation which disappears within 30 minutes
A nodule that disappears after 2 weeks
Formation of a red sore which heals forming a scar
The client (baby) will always get the TB within 1 month.
Question Thirteen

Modern methods of family planning

Include hormonal contraceptives, IUCD, voluntary surgical contraception (V.S.C)
Include IUCD, abstinence from sex during breastfeeding and female circumcision.
Are similar to the traditional methods of contraception.
Include female circumcision, tubal ligation, barrier methods
Question Fourteen

Mid upper arm circumference:

Is a measure of the nutritional status of school going children?
Normal figures are above 14cm.
Is a measure useful in detecting stunting or dwarfism
Is graphically charted in the road to health chart.
Question Fifteen

Indicate true or false against the following statement.

BCG and TT vaccines are given 0.5 mls intradermally
Artificial immunity is the type of immunity induced through vaccination.
Short Answer Questions (40 Marks)

Question One

State six aspects of the Kenya’s policy on immunization
Baby X at 1 year had never been immunized. List the vaccines she would receive at the clinic including their doses and route of administration.
(8 marks)

Question Two

State four steps in the process of health education. (4 marks)

Question Three

State four nursing interventions given to a baby brought by the mother at the MCH for regular growth monitoring at 9 months. (4 marks)

Question Four

State six roles of a District Public Health Nurse (DPHN). (6 marks)

Question Five

Define a disease outbreak.
(1 mark)
Explain the steps followed in investigating an outbreak.
(8 marks)

Question Six


(1 mark)
Community health
(1 mark)
Community health nursing.
(1 mark)

Long Answer Questions. (40 marks)

Question One

Madam Y has come to the MCH/FP clinic for family planning services. She is married and currently breastfeeding.

Define family planning.
(2 marks)
Explain the comprehensive care you will accord Madam Y on this day.
(12 marks)
State six non-contraceptive benefits of family planning.
(6 marks)

Question Two

Primary health care was adopted by countries with Kenya with the slogan health you all by the year 2000. Kenya has made strides towards this in various ways and still continuous to

Describe how you would help in the implementation of PHC as a community health nurse.
(14 marks)
Explain the three pillars of Primary Health Care.
(6 marks)

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