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Mbad 501: Foundations And Practices Of Management Question Paper

Mbad 501: Foundations And Practices Of Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other THREE questions

Question 1
“To control everything is to control nothing”.
a) State whose law this is and what it propagated for? (10marks)
b) With the help of a diagram, elucidate the various kinds of control and state how and in what circumstances they influence the economy of Kenya. (15marks)

Question 2
Define the term ‘Organization Structure’. With the help of relevant diagrams, explicate the shift and stance in structure from public oriented firms while exhausting their (25 marks)

Question 3
Enumerate in detail the meaning and arguments for and against formal and informal groupings in the context of contemporary economic environment in Kenya.
(25 marks) Question 4
Define the term ‘Merit Rating’. Explicate the modalities of merit rating in the corporate framework in the face of organization (25 marks)

Question 5
Schools of thought have relevance even in today’s management setting in firms. Critically elucidate this statement and discuss justifying your answers. (25 marks)

Question 6
Pecuniary and non-pecuniary factors in the organizational context play a critical role in maintenance. Discuss. (25 marks)

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