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Mbad 501: Foundations And Practice Of Management Question Paper

Mbad 501: Foundations And Practice Of Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any other THREE Questions.

Question 1
“Management as a distinct discipline only became important in the 20th Century.”
a) Does this statement suggest that prior to 20th century”. (15marks)
b) Describe various paradigms management as a distinct discipline has gone through overtime. (15marks)
c) Identify and explain the forces behind constant changes in management as we have it today. (10marks)

Question 2
Managerial decision usually follow a series of different perspectives referred to as frames.
a) Identify and explain FOUR main frames used in managerial decision making. (12marks)
b) Contemporary managers always endeavor to manage for the greatest good. Explain. (8marks)

Question 3
Contemporaly scholars argue that Fayols functions of management can be reduced to FOUR. Briefly explain the main ideas behind the FIVE functions of Management and show the one which you would omit out and why. (20marks)

Question 4
a) Briefly describe various forms of organizational designs you are likely to see in most Kenyan companies today. (12marks)
b) Organizations will always vary along FOUR main contextual dimensions. Explain. (8marks)

Question 5
a) Describe MCGregor Theory X and Y and show how the theory is related to motivation in contemporary organizations. (12marks)
b) Explain how managers can apply Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs theory to motivate employees in organizations. (8marks)

Question 6
a) Using diagram where necessary show the relationships between the following concepts in management and show where they lie in a managerial/grid.
i) Administration and management (2marks)
ii) Art and Science of management (2marks)
iii) Planning and controlling functions of management (2marks)
iv) Contingency and systems management. (2marks)
v) Complex and Routine decisions (2marks)
vii) Cybernetic and non cybernetils management (2marks)
b) Describe various forms of activity interdependence in contemporary organizations. Give examples of each. (8marks)

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