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Dhtm 014: Front Office Operations Question Paper

Dhtm 014: Front Office Operations 


Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Write short notes on the following;
i) Front office operation
ii) Yield management
iii) Concierge
iv) Guest relations desk
v) Lobby desk (10marks)
b) Explain the following concepts
i) Computer reservation system (CRS)
ii) Free individual traveler (FIT)
iii) Check – in
iv) Check out procedures (8marks)
c) i) Define the reception office. (2marks)
ii) Discuss the importance of the reception office. (10marks)

Question 2
Describe the qualities of a good front office staff (20marks)

Question 3
a) Explain the concept of layout of the front office department. (10marks)
b) Reservation Agent plays a more pro-active role than just booking clerk. Elucidate. (10marks)
Question 4
a) Explain different types of popular modes used by Guest to make room reservations(10marks)
b) Explain tools used by the reservation Agents for a confirmed reservation Assurances against no show. (10marks)

Question 5
a) What is customer service? Explain components of a good customer`s service. (10marks)
b) Understanding customers needs and wants is important in front office operation. Explain this with referrer Abraham Maslow''s concept of needs. (10marks)

Question 6
a) Explain the following;
i) Basic principal Accounting (5marks)
ii) Process of initiating a folio (5marks)
b) Explain the procedure of handling credit card (10marks)

Question 7
a) Explain steps involved involved in managing Group booking. (10marks)
b) Challenges Associated with group booking (10marks)

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