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Mbad 510:Entrepreneurship Methods Question Paper

Mbad 510:Entrepreneurship Methods 

Course:Master Of Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Entrepreneurship methods






Answers question one and any other two questions.

Question one

Analyze the following case and answer the questions given at the end.

Pamela is one of the many women who own their own businesses and her experience in not very different from others, who must contend with being a mother, a spouse and a family cheer leader in addition to owning and operating co business, Pamela is more successful than most women.

She owns a hardware that sells most building and construction materials. It was her first business though she had some family background on this business. Her two brothers were also in the same line of business. But she borrowed some money, put in some of her savings, and started her own venture she was the first woman even to enter into their business in that town.

During her rise to success and in management of her business, she also managed a family, stayed involved in school and community affairs. In Pamela’s mind, there is nothing more exhilarating than owning her own business, and for her, the fun is facing the challenges of making the firm grow. Today more and more women are making this choice rather than pursuing traditional careers. For the past few years, the number of women starting new ventures is three times as larger as the number of new.

There are several good reasons for this trend. Some women find that owning a business is the only way to combine a decent income with time for their children by having the flexibility to control their schedules. The dual roles of mother and entrepreneur often conflict, and husbands and wives tend to develop separate career tracks that often cannot be reconciled. Women can also find it lonely in a business world, especially if the clients are predominantly men. Many women, however, have businesses that fit well to their interests and with women customers. These include services in beauty care, nutrition, education, entertainment etc. Nevertheless, being in business often exacts a double price for women, yet for those with determination like Pamela, the rewards are always waiting.

Question One

Why do many women nowadays prefer to start their own ventures rather than pursuing traditional career paths?

(5 marks)

Why do you think the service sector creates more job opportunities than the manufacturing sector?

(5 marks)

Explain the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs with reference to any successful entrepreneur.

(5 marks)

How can you relate the sociological perspective on entrepreneurship development to this case?

(5 marks)

How does the current Kenya’s entrepreneurial policy environment support Pamela?

(5 marks)

Briefly discuss the business life cycle stages.

(5 marks)

Question Two

According to Higgins (1968) "in any society the rate of technological progress and so economic development depends greatly on the number and ability of entrepreneurs available to it." Critically analyze this statement in new of the role of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in the achievement of vision 2030.

(10 marks)

"Entrepreneurship virtually exists everywhere." Discuss, using illustrations.

(10 marks)

Show how craft entrepreneurs can be turned into opportunistic entrepreneurs.

(5 marks)

Question Three

Give a critical analysis of the development of entrepreneurship in Kenya since the commissioning of the ILO study of 1972.

(11 marks)

Joseph Schurupeter (1934) viewed entrepreneurship as a disequilibrating beneficial in-product of innovation while Israel Kirtzner (1973) viewed it as an equilibrating force.

Critically discuss both views in relation to your understand of entrepreneurship. (14 marks)

Question Four

Discuss the basic principles of the psychological theory of entrepreneurship highlighting it strengths and weaknesses in explaining today’s behavior of entrepreneurs.

(10 marks)

Innovation, proactivity and risk taking are the foundations of entrepreneurships show the relevance of the statement in today’s business operations.

(15 marks)

Question Five

Suggest any five techniques for building entrepreneurial self-concept.

(5 marks)

Discuss the strategies that the government and private sector in Kenya can use to build and sustain a positive entrepreneurial culture.

(20 marks)

Question Six

Kanter (1984) viewed intrapreneurs as corporate equivalents or equals of entrepreneurs who find opportunities for innovations. Discuss the limitations faced by intrepreneurs and suggest possible solutions.

(15 marks)

Discuss the socio-cultural factors that influence entrepreneurship development among women entrepreneurs in Kenya.

(10 marks)

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