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Coun 120: Human Growth And Development Question Paper

Coun 120: Human Growth And Development 

Course:Education And Pre-University

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Differentiate between human growth and human development (4marks)
b) Discuss four principles that can explain the growth and development of a person (8marks) c) Discuss four main parenting styles, giving examples of the child outcome likely to develop as a result of the parenting style (8marks)

Question 2
a) Play is an integral part of a child`s growth and development. Discuss the stages of play in children and explain how play influences a child`s intellectual development (10marks)
b) Explain the physical development of a child in middle childhood and challenges experienced by children in reaching optimum growth (10marks)

Question 3
Adolescence is a period of discovery and much anticipation towards life. Discuss the psychosocial development of adolescents and discuss five problems that are likely to hinder their psychosocial development. (20marks)

Question 4
Eric Erikson advanced the psychosocial theory of human development across the lifespan. Using this theory, discuss the changes that occur in an individual from infancy to old age. Give relevant examples. (20marks)

Question 5
a) Explain the following terms according to Jean Piaget?
i) Assimilation (2marks)
ii) Accommodation (2marks)
iii) Conversion (2marks)
iv) Reversibility (2marks)
b) Discuss the cognitive development of an individual between the sensorimotor to the formal operational stages (12marks)

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