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Buss 220: Human Resource Management Question Paper

Buss 220: Human Resource Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Mr. Kimani is a branch manager of a Kenyan bank at Mombasa city. His staff included two clerks and an attendant. Very often Mr. Kimani was left alone in the bank after 5.00 p.m to tally accounts day book and complete all other formality.
On the 30th December 2010 Mr. Kimani was working till past 2.00 a.m tallying the accounts since hardly one day is left for closing the accounts for the year. On this fateful day night, the branch manager was attacked by a band of robbers, who looted shs. 5million after brutally wounding Mr. Kimani’s right hand which had to be amputated later after recovery the branch manager applied for compensation. The bank management was of the opinion that Mr. Kimani violated the job specification by working beyond the stipulated hours of work. He, in their view, was not entitled to any compensation as the accident occurred during non-employment hours. They also called for an explanation as to why the amount lost cannot be recovered from his salary and provident fund.

Question 1
a) How do you justify the bank’s management decision in this case (5marks)
b) What modification do you suggest in job specification to overcome such incidents in the future? (5marks)
c) Explain the usefulness of job specification and employee specification in selection process (10marks)
d) Advice the management on the relevance of conducting proper job design so as to avoid similar incident in future (10marks)

Question 2
a) Explain the different methods of training the employee? Suggest a suitable training method for salesman of a heavy machine manufacturing organization (10marks)
b) Explain in detail the objectives of management development programme (10marks)

Question 3
a) What is human resource planning (2marks)
b) Briefly discuss the process of human resource planning (10marks)
c) Identify both external and internal factors that are affecting recruitment process (8marks)

Question 4
a) Briefly discuss the various factors that are affecting salary and wage levels in an organization (10marks)
b) Why do trade unions in developing countries fail to achieve their objectives? Suggest measures for the successful functioning of trade unions (10marks)

Question 5
a) Briefly discuss the need for a grievance handling procedure in an organization (10marks)
b) Explain the different steps of a grievance procedure (5marks)
c) Explain the causes of indiscipline of employees in an organization (5marks)

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