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Buss 220: Human Resource Management Question Paper

Buss 220: Human Resource Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS • Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions
Question 1
The Marketing Manager, Bob Kamau had told Jack Tombo, Branch Manager for a large computer manufacturer, that Jomo had just five 2 weeks notice when Muriithi had interviewed Jomo, he had been convinced of his tremendous potential in sales. Jomo was bright and personable, a MO1 homours graduate in electrical engineering who had the qualifications that th company looked for in computer sales. Now he was hearing after only 2 months with the the Company. Jack called Jomo into his office for an exit interview.

Tombo: Come in Jomo, I really want to talk to you. I hope I can change your mind about leaving. Jomo: I don’t think so.
Tombo: Well, tell me why you want to go. Has some company offered you more money?
Jomo: No, infact, I don`t have another job; I am just starting to look.
Tombo: You`ve given us a notice without another job?
Jomo: Well I just don`t think this is the place for me.
Tombo: what do you mean?
Jomo: Let me see of I can explain. On my first day at work, I was told that my formal classroom training in computers would work not begun for a month. I was given a sales manual and told to read and study it for the rest of the day. The next day I was told that the technical library, where all the manuals on computers are kept was in a mess and needed to be organized. That was to be my responsibility for the next three weeks.
The day before i was to begin the computer school. My boss told me that the course had been delayed for another month. He said not to worry, however, because he was going to have James Rotich, the branch`s leading sales person give me some on the job training. I was told to accompany James on his calls. Iam supposed to start school in two weeks. The day before I was to begin the computer school. My boss told me that the course had been delayed for another mouth. He said not to worry, however, because he was going to have James Rotich, the branch`s leading sales person give me some on the job training. I was told to accompany James on his calls. I am supposed to start school in two weeks but I have just made up my mind that this place is not for me.
Muriithi: Hold a minute, Jomo. That`s the way it is for everyone in the first couple of months of employment in our industry. Any place you go will be the same. Infact you had it better than I did. You should have seen what I did in my couple of months
a) What do you think about the philosophy of this company pertaining to a new employee first few weeks on the job. (5marks)
b) Advise Jack on what is the purpose and content of new employee orientation. (10marks)
c) What suggestions do you have for Jack to help his company avoid similar problems of employee turnover in future. (5marks)
d) Differentiate between induction and orientation in reference to the case above. (5marks)

Question 2
a) What is HRP, Discuss the reasons for its increased importance in modern management.(10marks)
b) Discuss the factors that should be considered when writing up a job analysis. (10marks)

Question 3
Define Human Resource Management and discuss the HRM functions in modern management. (20marks)

Question 4
a) Many Organizations carry out a number of training activities but they hardly conduct training need analysis and neither do they carry out training evaluations. (10marks)
b) Discuss the methods an organization can use when conducting tramp need analysis.(10marks)
c) Explain the main reasons for training and its significance to an organization. (10marks)

Question 5
a) Discuss the factors that managers need to consider in attempting to predict the future demand for Human resources. (10marks)
b) Every organization strives to employ the right people for the right jobs. In light of this discuss the methods used by organizations to select the right employees for the job. (10marks)

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