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Buss 220: Human Resource Management Question Paper

Buss 220: Human Resource Management 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE and any Other TWO Questions

Question 1
a) Human Resource Management is a staff functions but also line function. Comment (5marks) b) Effective management of human resources is essential for the prosperity and welfare of an organization, society and a nation. In the light of this statement, describe the role of a human resource manager (15marks)
c) Briefly discuss the implications of change in the profile of people, technology and environment on managing people in an organization (10marks)

Question 2
a) Discuss the long-range human resource demand forecasting methods. What action plans can an organization undertake to increase or decrease in human resource supply (10marks) b) Outline the legal, economic, social and political considerations in recruitment (10marks)

Question 3
a) Explain the internal and external sources of recruitment for a service oriented firm (10marks) b) Malcom and Company is a leading concern in the chemical industry. The company is currently in the process of expanding and diversifying its product range. It also has a joint venture with Tefal Company, a multinational firm. If you were asked to prepare a plan for the manpower requirements of the new joint venture company, what steps would you suggest. (10marks)

Question 4
a) Enumerate the objectives of human resource planning and illustrate how an organization can achieve these objectives (10marks)
b) Examine interviewing as a selection technique. Highlight the problems of interviewing and suggest measures for improving the quality of interviewing (10marks)

Question 5
a) Define human resource planning. How will you assess the human resource requirement of a large firm which is manufacturing and marketing computer software (10marks)
b) It is often said that the first year of organization employment can either be very frustrating or very satisfying for the new employee. State the objections and advantages of a well described orientation programme. (10marks

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