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Buss 423: Research Methods Question Paper

Buss 423: Research Methods 

Course:Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any Other TWO Questions

It was not until July 2010 that the management of Upendo Bakeries realized and accepted that something was a miss in the organization. Cases of employee absenteeism was on the increase. Episodes of inhouse fights and exchange of unpleasant remarks had escalated among employees. An impromptu meeting by the management concluded that something had to be done as soon as possible to control the situation. After consultation, it was decided that all employees should attend a team building session at Naivasha peaceful Resort centre.
Initially some of the employees were against the three day team building session. However, through persuasion and threats from the Human Resource department, they eventually complied.
At the beginning of the session most employees were tense and suspicious of each other. However involvement in various team building contests managed to break the ice. On the final day of the session both the Junior and Senior members were discussing ways of ensuring that Upendo Bakery was ahead of their competitors, long term rivals at the organization had made efforts to iron out their differences. However, a part, held during the last supper caused some commotions. During the party there was a lot of alcohol consumption and some members in the top management over drunk and attempted to harass some female employees. This almost escalated into a fist fight between the top management and the support staff of Upendo Bakeries.
On resumption to duty, the Director of Upendo Bakeries has realized something is a mess. Any inquires he has attempted to make regarding how the team building session progressed has been avoided as much as possible by the top management. You have therefore been consulted to interview those who attended the team building session and write a report.
Question 1
a) Indicate the title of the report. (2marks)
b) State FOUR objectives that you will address in the report. (8marks)
c) Indicate any FOUR limitations you are likely to encounter while gathering information and how they will be addressed. (8marks)
d) Justify to what extent face to face interview will be appropriate in gathering data from the respondents. (4marks)
e) Highlight any FOUR ethical issues that you should reinforce while gathering data. (8marks)

Question 2
a) Indicate FIVE factors that can contribute to the rejection of ones reviewed literature in research. (10marks)
b) Identify and discuss THREE types of Research designs. (10marks)

Question 3
a) State FOUR types of non-probability sampling. (10marks)
b) Indicate ways in which student/supervisor conflicts can be minimized in research. (10marks

Question 4
a) Compare and contrast the following:
i) Basic/applied research
ii) Longitudinal/cross sectional studies
iii) Target/ sample
iv) Quota/stratified sampling
v) Theoritical orientation/Empirical Review. (10marks)
b) Discuss any four methods that can assist you to formulate a research title. (10marks)

Question 5
a) Information Technology is essential in research. Discuss. (10marks)
b) Highlight the various sections of a research proposal. (10marks)

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