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Hbc 2124: Information- System Analysis &Amp; Design Question Paper

Hbc 2124: Information- System Analysis &Amp; Design 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Dedan Kimathi University Of Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

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University Examinations 2012/2013
DATE: 24TH APRIL 2013 TIME: 2.00PM-4.00PM
INSTRUCTIONS: This examination consist of five questions. Answer question one and any other two questions from the remaining four.
Question One Compulsory question ( 30 marks)
a) Use an example to explain why when conducting an interview, it is always important to: i. seek the opinions of the person you are interviewing (3 marks)
ii. capture the feelings of the interviewee. (3 marks)
b) briefly explain three reasons why you would opt to use joint application design over personal interviews (3marks)
c) in a project you are undertaking, you realise that you need to study attitudes, beliefs, behaviour, and characteristics of several key people in the organization who may be affected by the current and proposed systems.
i. Which information-gathering technique will you use. Explain. (2 marks)
ii. Explain what any two of the underlined words mean to a system analyst in this context. (2 marks)
d) When scrutinizing files used by one of your clients, you realise that data about a man’s sex is stored as “M” in one record, “Male” in a second record, and as the number “1” in a third record. What would you conclude about this kind of data storage? What tool would you use to rectify this? Explain. (3 marks)
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e) The gross salary of a worker in an organization is paid based on the number of hours he works and the number of dependents he has in the family. You term this as wage information. From the gross figure arrived, deductions are made as follows: 20% income tax, 2% NHIF fee and 15% SACCO contribution are made to arrive at net pay. This category of information you call it current pay amounts. Use a
i. data flow diagram to depict the determination of the deductions. (4 marks)
ii. data dictionary to illustrate the two categories of information. (5 marks)
f) describes any two of the new information technologies systems analysts use to integrate e-commerce applications into traditional businesses or entirely initiate new e-businesses. (5 marks)
Question Two (20 marks)
The following is a list of activities an analyst decides to accomplish in one of the phases of a system he is developing. It also shows that some activities must precede other activities. Time estimates to complete each activity are also shown.
A. Talk to users
B. Administer questionnaires
C. face – to – face visit
D. summaries data collected
B, C
E. install sample program
B, C
F. Observe reactions to use of sample program
G. Perform cost-benefit analysis
H. Prepare proposal
F, G
I. Present proposal
a) Represent this information in a PERT diagram. (6 marks)
b) List all the possible paths that can be used to complete the project and the duration of each.
c) Which is the critical path and of which importance is it to the analyst? (2 marks)
d) In a project you are undertaking, you realise the following challenges:
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Fear of change is evident among staff, design not creative enough, inadequate feedback from testing, too complex code, and schedule slips. Represent this information using a fishbone diagram. (4 marks)
e) Inputs to a system should portray some characteristics in order to be of use. Use example to explain any two such characteristics. (4 marks)
Question Three (20 marks)
The job of a hospital clerk involves routinely performing the following tasks:
register new patients by recording their names, age and allergy to any medication if any.
issue attendance sheet
attend to patients inquiries
receive payment from patient. Among the hospital staff only the clerk can handle payments.
Other officers in the hospital rely on the information from this clerk when performing their duties.
You would like to create an information system for the clerk
a) What type of information system would you recommend for the clerk? Explain. (2 marks)
b) Describe how you would conduct each of the following for this clerk''s information system.
i. preliminary study (4 marks)
ii. Maintenance (3 marks)
c) Use an Entity-Relationship diagram to show the relation between payments and the clerk. (4 marks)
d) Can the information system replace the clerk? Explain. (2 marks)
e) “It has become a habit”, says the financial officer, “the budget is never on time and never covers all the expectations. We invested heavily on the computers and human resources. We surely do not deserve this.” he says to the acknowledgment of all other officers.
i. identify one problem of the system captured here. Use a relevant section of the quote to support your answer. (2 marks)
ii. Explain three system areas you will consider when designing the solution to this problem. (3 marks)
Question Four (20 marks)
a) A shop practices a policy on how to handle customer purchases that are not paid in cash. There are four ways in which a transaction can be completed. When a customer pays through check for a transaction whose value is under ksh 5000, the cashier needs to complete the sale after verifying signature but if a credit card is used, the sale is completed without requiring a signature. For transactions whose value is more than Ksh 5000, there are two options also: if pay is by check, the
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cashier should call the supervisor for approval but if it is through credit card the cashier will communicate electronically with the bank for credit card authorization.
i) Design a decision table to illustrate this policy. (9 marks)
ii. Explain three advantages that will be gained if a decision tree is used instead of the decision table in this context. (6 marks)
b) Useful feedback can be used to spot problems in an information system. Discuss three sources of such feedback. (3 marks)
c) After studying a project request from one department, you conclude that the project cannot be undertaken. Explain two ways of handling such a project. (2 marks)
Question Five (20 marks)
a) use examples to briefly describe two reasons why systems require maintenance. (4 marks)
b) As part of system implementation, the analyst is required to train users and perform system conversion. Use example to explain what is involved in each and how the two can be conducted. (4 marks)
c) In maintaining students'' record, a school has establish a student billing statement that consist of: student name, student number, number of units taken (can take one to five units) and total amount due. An optional comment is also included. Represent this information as part of a data dictionary. (5 marks)
d) After conducting user requirement for a proposed system, an analyst concludes that the users do not really know what they do, nor what they want in the new system. Consequently, the analyst decides to use a prototype.
i. Explain two advantages and two disadvantages that will result from this action. (4 marks)
ii. Explain three ways the user can help in this context. (3 marks)

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