Phys 222: Introduction To Material Science Question Paper

Phys 222: Introduction To Material Science 

Course:Bachelor Of Science

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2013







DAY/DATE: THURSDAY 8/8/2013 2.30 P.M. – 4.30 P.M.

Answer questionONE and any other TWO questions.

Question One

The gauge pressure at the bottom of a reservoir is four times what it is at a depth of 1.2m. how deep is the reservoir? [3 marks]

A u tube is partially filled with equal volume of water and mercury as shown below.

Find h [4 marks]

A block of birch wood floats in oil with 90% of its volume submerged. If the density of the birch is 0.67gcm-3, what is the density of the oil? [3 marks]

An underwater air bubble has an excess inside pressure of 10Pa. What is the excess pressure inside on air bubble with twice the radius? [3 marks]

An air bubble of 1mm radius is rising in a container with vegetable oil of specific gravity (relative density) 0.85 and viscosity of 0.12 Pa. The container of oil and the bubble are at 20oC. What is its terminal velocity? [3 marks]

The maximum strain of a steel wire with Young’s modulus 2.0 x 1011Pa, just before breaking is 0.2%. What is the stress at its breaking point assuming that strain is proportional to stress up to the breaking point? [2 marks]

A container of Nitrogen gas (N2) at 23oC contains 425 L at a pressure of 3.5 atm. If
26.6 kJ heat are added to the container, what will be the new temperature of the gas?
[4 marks]

List the six classes of materials. [3 marks]

Write the four quantum numbers for each of the two K shell electrons. [2 marks]

On the basis of the hydrogen bond, explain the anomalous behaviour of water when it freezes. That is, why is there volume expansion upon solidification? [3 marks]

Question Two

The net potential energy EN between two adjacent ions is represented by the expression

EN = -C/r+D exp((-r)/e) (1)

in which r is the interionic separation and C, D and e are constants whose values depend on the specific material.

Determine an expression for the binding energy Eo in terms of the equilibrium interionic separation ro and the constants D and e using the following procedure.

Differentiate EN with respect to r and set the resulting expression equal to zero.

Solve for C in terms of D, e and ro.

Determine expression for Eo in terms of ro, C and e using a procedure analogous to the one used in (a) above. [20 marks]

Question Three

Briefly cite the main differences between ionic, covalent and metallic bonding.
[9 marks]
State the Pauli Exclusion Principle. [1 mark]

Sketch within a cubic unit cell the following planes (i) (OTT) (ii) (1O¯2) [6 marks]

For which set of crystallographic planes will a first order diffraction peak occur at a diffraction angle of 46.21o for BCC iron when monochromatic radiation having a wavelength of 0.0711 nm is used? [4 marks]

Question Four

A liquid (? = 1.65 gcm-3) flows through two horizontal sections of tubing joined end to end. In the first section, the crossectional area is 10cm2, the flowspeed is 275cms-1 and the pressure is 1.2 x 105 Pa.In the second section the crossectional area is 2.5cm2. Calculate the smaller sections’

Flow speed
Pressure [10 marks]

A solid copper ball with diameter 3m at sea level, is placed at the bottom of the ocean, at a depth of 10km. If the density of sea water is 1030kgm-3, how much does the diameter of the ball decrease when it reaches the bottom? (Bulk modulus of copper is
1.4 x 1011 Pa). [10 marks]

Question Five

Gas is contained in an 8L vessel at a temperature of 20oC and a pressure of 9atm.

Determine the number of moles of gas in the vessel.
How many molecules are in the vessel? [4 marks]

What is the total random kinetic energy of all the molecules in one mole of hydrogen at a temperature of 300 k? With what speed would a mole of hydrogen have to move so that the kinetic energy of the mass as a whole would be equal to the total random kinetic energy of its molecules. [10 marks]

If 2 moles of a gas are confined to a 5L vessel at a pressure of 8 atom, what is the average kinetic energy of a gas molecule in it? [6 marks]


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