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Information Resource Management Question Paper

Information Resource Management 

Course:Bbit 411

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2008




• Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) and any other TWO Questions

Question 1
(a) Read the case studies below and answer the questions that follow.
“Wal-Mart built an elaborate satellite network linking the point-of-sale terminals in all of its stores. The network was designed to provide managers, buyers, and sales associates with up-to-date sales and inventory status information to improve product buying, inventories, and store management. The Wal-Mart began to use the operational efficiency of such information systems to offer lower cost, better-quality products and services, and differentiate itself from its competitors.

Wal-Mart began to extend its network to customers and suppliers in order to build innovative continuous inventory replenishment systems that would lock in their business. This creates interenterprise information systems in which the Internet, extranets, and other networks electronically link the computers of businesses with their customers and suppliers, resulting in new business alliances and partnerships.”
(i) Explain how Wal-Mart can use Information Systems to improve its business initiatives. (4 marks)
(ii) Briefly discuss the benefits of satellite link in Wal-Mart as a business strategy. (4 marks)
(iii) If you were to apply the same technology in Wal-Mart to a local organization, what challenges would you possible face in your project? Explain. (7 marks)

(b) MSA-Tech Co Ltd has been facing many challenges related to poor management of its valuable corporate information resource. This has translated to huge losses after a significant number of customers have continued to withdraw from buying products and services from the company. The senior management is now seeking for professional advice about how they can solve the problem. Assuming that you have been appointed to assist MSA-Tech Co Ltd. Give advise about:
(i) The best practices that should be adopted in order to establish a conducive environment for information management. (10 marks)
(ii) The features that should be considered when selecting the suitable information management tools from the vendors. (5 marks)

Question 2
(a) Briefly discuss why Information Systems is very crucial to organizations. (5 marks)
(b) Cite examples of any two (2) companies you think have achieved competitive advantage by explaining the Information Systems technique(s) they used. (6 marks)
(c) Any firm needs to exchange information with business partners. One common method is through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Explain how EDI help firms exchange information with business partners. (6 marks)
(d) What cautions can a manager take when using Information Systems for a competitive advantage? (3 marks)

Question 3
(a) Biashara Co. Ltd produces several varieties of edible oil products and has five departments. Every department runs its own stand-alone computerized information system. Over the years, the stand-alone systems have been greatly inconveniencing the company with respect to service delivery. Due to the changing trends in business information systems, the company has decided to adopt an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Assuming that you are the leader of a team of software consultants that has been hired to advise on how to change to ERP system, explain how your team would go about the work. (12 marks)
(b) In a recent conference that was held in Nairobi, a Chief Executive Officer of a reputable multinational company was heard saying that “The professionals who manage the corporate information resource must be bound by a professional code of conduct”. Justify this statement. (8 marks)

Question 4
(a) Briefly explain what Customer Relationship Management (CRM) does in an organization. (3 marks)
(b) List any four reasons why user participation during the systems development life cycle is critical and explain an associated activity for each. (8 marks)
(c) Describe any three (3) reasons why Information Systems projects fail. (9 marks)

Question 5
(a) The dynamic nature of information technology causes numerous challenges to many corporate organizations in the modern world. State and explain the factors that lead to change of information systems in the business environment. (8 marks)
(b) XYZ Co Ltd recently implemented a Decision Support System (DSS) with the aim of enhancing the performance of the managerial staff. In a recent evaluation of the company’s information systems, it was noted that the DSS system has had very negligible contribution to the overall business. Discuss what might be causing this kind of situation. (12 marks)

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