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Business Values &Amp; Ethics Question Paper

Business Values &Amp; Ethics 

Course:Buss 116

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2008




• Answer questions ONE and ANY other TWO.

Question 1 (30 Marks) – Compulsory
Use the case below to answer parts a) and b) only.
You are working as a trainer for a big company in the Country. The company has strict guidelines for assessment, and those trainees not meeting the pass mark are released from the company. However, there is one trainee who is the son of a powerful politician in the Country and he is not doing well in his traineeship. You are ‘politely encouraged’ by your manager to try to get him through. However, when that doesn’t seem possible due to his complete lack of ability, your manager gives him a warning. Then your manager is told by a very high up manager in the company to "pass that guy". So, at the end of the day, you are told that, “many people in the company need him to pass. Many contracts will be lost if he doesn''t pass". However, you feel that you would be disrespecting the rest of the trainees if they had a different bar to achieve and you are not able to pass a student who has failed.
a) Is the request by your manager ethical or unethical? Give reasons. (3marks)
b) Given the circumstances of the above case, what would you if you are to base your decision on the following utilitarian principles? (9marks)
• Universalism
• Consequentialism
• Maximalism
c) The structure of the organization is important in the study of business ethics because structure creates opportunities to engage in unethical behaviour.
i) define the following types of organizational structure;
? Centralized organizations ( 1 mark)
? Decentralized organizations (1 mark)
ii) Briefly outline ANY FIVE ethical issues that may arise in centralized organizations. (5 marks)
d) (i) It is difficult to completely eliminate unethical practices in business organizations. However, studies have shown that unethical behaviour in any organization can be reduced to very low levels. List and briefly explain EIGHT guidelines that are crucial in the reduction of unethical behaviour in an organization. (8 marks)
ii) Outline the THREE main characteristics of ethical decisions (3 marks)

Question 2
a) Using relevant examples, define the following terms:
(i) Business values (2 marks)
(ii) Business Ethics (2 marks)
(iii) Ethical Business (2 marks)
b) Distinguish between the following sets of terminology as used in the framework for assessing cultural values;
i) Quantity of life vs. Quality of life (2 marks)
ii) Long term vs. short-term orientation (2 marks)
c) Outline ANY FIVE core values in Business Ethics. (5 marks)

Question 3
(a) (i) List and briefly describe ANY FOUR components of the utilitarian principle as outlined by the teleological theory. (8 marks)
(ii) Briefly explain the four problems of measurement in so far as the utilitarian concept is concerned. (4 marks)
(b) (i) List the THREE features of moral rights. (3 marks)
(ii) Whistle blowing occurs when an employee informs the public of inappropriate activities or malpractices going on in the organization in which he works. Outline FIVE characteristics /conditions that justify whistle blowing. (5 marks)

Question 4
(a) Using appropriate examples, describe the following classifications of ethical issues and problems in business.
(i) Conflict of interest (4 marks)

(ii) Honesty and fairness (4 marks)

(b) List and briefly explain the six stages of the individual moral philosophies according to Kohlberg’s Model of cognitive moral development. (12 marks)

Question 5
b) (i) Define the term code of Ethics. (2 marks)
(ii) List and explain ANY FIVE guidelines for developing a code of ethics.
(5 marks)
c) (i) What is corporate social responsibility (CRS)? (3 marks)
(ii) List and explain ANY FIVE arguments for and ANY FIVE against corporate social responsibility. (10 marks)

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