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Ched 001 Question Paper

Ched 001 

Course:Bachelor Of Social Sciences

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2008

Pastor Njenga Solomon
Faculty: Arts & Social Science
Course Code: CHED 001
Semester: January – April 2008
Time: 3 Hours

Instructions: Answer Questions ONE and ANY OTHER TWO Questions

Section one– Question 1 is compulsory (50 marks)

A. From a Christian’s point of view, define in details these terms (3 marks each)
a. Integrity
b. Temperaments
c. Character
d. Worldview
e. Religion
f. Anthropology
g. Theology
h. Christology
i. Soteriology
j. Eschatology

B. Discuss briefly this statement “Christianity in not like any other religion”(10 marks)

C. What are major characteristics of a cult (10 marks)

Section 2 – Answer 2 questions only in this section.

Question 1
Suppose your fellow student wants to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior. Demonstrate how you can communicate God’s plan of salvation to him/her. (25 marks)

Question 2
We are all required to be people of integrity wherever we are. Demonstrate how you can be a person of integrity as you plan your future life (25 marks).

Question 3
A. What is the Christology of mission? (5 marks)
B. Discuss the six (6) major aspects of Christology of mission (15 marks)
c. Demonstrate the relevancy of Christology of mission (5 marks)

Answers for section 1 & 2

Section one– Question 1 is compulsory (50 marks)

A. From a Christian’s point of view, define these terms.

B. In what sense is Christianity different from any other religions (10 marks)
a. Christianity is any teaching that man is sinful and cannot understand God without having faith in Him. In one sense, Christianity is a religion like any other religion. This is because, Ninian Smart, whom I concur with, believes that in every religion, there must be a belief in a supernatural. Apparently, Christianity is no difference in this aspect! Nevertheless, one needs to ask, “What is the nature of the supernatural?” A critical eye to the question now makes Christianity unique!

b. In another sense, Christianity is not like any other religion. This is because of the uniqueness of its supernatural. There is only one-way to the supernatural and this is Christ, and Christ crucified! Again, Christianity begins not with man’s quest for God, but God’s self-disclosure or revelation to man. Other religions are “Man search for God” while Christianity is “God search for the lost man”.

C. What are the major characteristics of a cult (10 marks)
a. A cult is any teachings that displace God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit from their rightful biblical positions rendering doubt in their co-existence while Christianity is the teachings that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit eternally coexist. They are equal and yet not same.

Five major characteristics of every religion
A. It is a found in every culture since time memorial
B. Involves a personal/corporate of knowledge about God
C. It is a response to God who is HOLY, pure and righteous
D. It is expressed in form of a ritual, worship or liturgy
E. It is generally a community thing found in every culture.
F. It involves shared perceptions, meaning and values.

Section 2 – Answer 2 questions only in this section.

Question 1
Suppose your fellow student wants to accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior. Demonstrate how you can communicate God’s plan of salvation to him/her. (20 marks)
A. Salvation begins with God: Since God is love, his character is that of loving all people all the time I John 4:8. His ultimate desire is to see all persons saved I Timothy 2:4.
B. Sin causes a wall between God and us Isaiah 59: 1-2: God says in His Word that every man on earth is unclean, and any unrighteous is as filthy rags Isaiah 64:6 and since we have all sinned and fall short of his glory, we need to re-evaluate ourselves in light of His standards.
C. Jesus came to take the punishment of our sins: His death took away wall between us and Him. His life, death, resurrection and return to heaven make Him able to be the mediator between Him and us. Jesus sacrificed His own life so that we might have a relationship with God. He is the only way John 14:6.
D. Head knowledge is not enough, personal decision is required John 1:12: Each person must make a decision to accept Him by faith as Lord and Savior of His life.
E. Seek to grow into maturity in Christ: This can only be found through the following; daily reading of God’s Word, prayers, fellowship and sharing him to all the time.

Question 2
We are all required to be people of integrity wherever we are. Demonstrate how you can be a person of integrity as you plan your future life (25 marks).
• Define what is integrity – a person’s life is governed by the moral code of the word of God
1. Fear and revere God in their public and private lives
2. Determined to condemn any evil with boldness
3. Creating a world free from evils of discrimination on ethnic ground
4. Develops sustainable projects in creating jobs
5. Seek to translate visions into reality
6. Advance transparency and accountability
7. Develop good character and reputation
8. Avoid shortcuts and sloppy routes to success
9. Make informed decisions based on principles
10. Become strategic planners and manager
Question 3
A. What is the Christology of mission? (5 marks)
• It is a systematic biblical teaching on Jesus Christ, God the Son who became man, to die and resurrect to offer salvation to the sinful humanity. The study encompasses significant events in the saving career of Christ.

B. Discuss the six (6) major aspects of Christology of mission (15 marks)
1. Incarnation: Demonstrate importance of humbleness in service
2. The Cross: Demonstrate the cost of Christianity
3. Resurrection: Demonstrate the need to go and make disciples of all nations
4. Exaltation: Gives us motivations to look upon him in spite of our suffering
5. Gift of Holy spirit: The impulse, impetus and power for mission
6. Paraousi: His second coming gives us an urgency to preach Him
c. Demonstrate the relevancy of Christology of mission (5 marks)
1. Christology assures us of all needed power for life and service--Eph. 1:19-22; Phil. 3:10-- If we desire to know what God is able to do for and through us, simply look at the mission of Jesus Christ.
2. Christology exemplifies Jesus as our perfect example. He is not some celestial superstar, but one who has lived where we live. We can therefore look to Him as a model of the Christian life.
3. Christology gives us the worthiness of worship. It teaches that worship of Christ is appropriate. He is not merely the highest of the creatures [actually not a creature], but He is God in the same sense and to the same degree as the Father. He is as deserving of our praise, adoration, and obedience as is the Father.

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