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Hrmg 333: Industrial Relations Question Paper

Hrmg 333: Industrial Relations 

Course:Industrial Relations

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2008




• Answer Question ONE and any other THREE Questions

Question 1 CASE STUDY

The PrintaPosta Co. is a small printing firm specializing in printing posters. Its work is varied and the firm has built up a reputation, in the face of fierce competition, for its artwork and ability to produce high quality colour work. The firm employs 28 people in the design, production and dispatch departments. The atmosphere is friendly but it often gives the impression of frenzied activity as the firm endeavors to achieve delivery dates. On occasions it takes on too much work but would rather overstretch itself than lose orders.

The production section employees 15 people and is headed by a print worker of 24 years, experience. Jack Hall knows his trade well but has found life more than a little difficult in recent years because of the change in technology. Jack has been with the firm since it began 15 years ago and the firm is very loyal to him for his hard work and dedication. Jack helped the firm through the first, difficult years and often he put in many more hours than he was paid for, just to see the work completed. The founder of the firm is aware of Jack’s shortcomings but relies on him to run the production side of the enterprise while he concentrates of the design side. Jack is good manager and can get the best of out of people.

As a result of the added complexity of printing work and the need to keep up with the technological developments in the field, PrintaPosta created the post of Technical Supervisor last year. They recruited Phil Coggins, a young recently qualified print technician to take on the technical side of the productions section’s work. This left jack to concentrate on managing the department. Phil settled into the job relatively quickly and proved to be very good at his job. The firm is happy with the appointment and many of the technical problems that the firm had have now been solved.

However, there is one grave difficulty that has arisen. Phil has drink problem. He has taken to going out at lunch times to meet his drinking partner and often comes back incapable of doing much work. On many occasions Jack has had to take Phil home in his car to ensure that Phil odes no cause a disturbance or get into any danger. This has been noticed by the operatives in the section but the matter had not been brought to the attention of anyone else. Jack feels rather protective of Phil because he relies on him so much for the technical support he provides. If anything, Jack has covered up for Phil and tries to be very discreet in dealing with a situation he finds rather embarrassing.

Lately the situation has deteriorated so much that Phil has taken to having Monday mornings off quite frequently to recover from his heavy weekend drinking sessions. To cover himself when he returns he certifies himself sick as suffering from something other than a bad hangover. Jack tries to support Phil by making excuses for his absence but finds it more difficult on the occasions he return to work drunk. Nothing has been said to Jack by any of the production department’s workers but he detects some unease about the situation and is lost to know what to do. He has spoken to Phil about the situation and Phil recognizes that he needs to moderate his drinking but then, after a period of time off, fall back into his bad habits again.

One morning Pan, an operative on one of the new, recently installed machines, comes to see Jack. She tells Jack that she has had a lifelong friend staying with her from Canada and the friend is due to return to Canada that day. Pam asks if she can finish two hours early that day so that she can go to the airport with her friends. Jack, being under considerable pressure to finish a number of jobs that day, including the one on Pam’s machine says he cannot allow her the time off. He says that he had intended to ask her to work over that night to finish the work. Pam becomes very irate and says “you can let that lazy drunken technician of yours have days off to go drinking but not an hour off for someone who never has any time off. We’ve noticed you taking him home after lunch because he’s had too much booze. But you wouldn’t take me to the airport in your car. I’ve had enough of this two-faced to here lot here” At which she storms out of the office, slamming the door.

Pam returns to her machine but is unable to concentrate on her work. At break she tells all her colleagues about the incident. They support Pam and say they are prepared to back her. Still feeling incensed she changes and leaves the work without saying anything to Jack. She tells her friend they can tell Jack that she is in the pub waiting to stop Phil having too much to drink at lunch time. Pam turns up for work the next day.

a) What would you do if you were Jack?
i) When you found out that Pam has left the works?
ii) When Pam returned the next day?

b) Give your written recommendations to the owner on what action the firm ought to take with regard to:
i) Phil’s situation.
ii) Disciplinary action against Phil.
iii) Disciplinary action against Pam.
iv) Jack’s managerial performance. (15marks)

Question 2
a) Outline the content of a recognition agreement in the management of employment relations. (5marks)

b) The industrial charter is the basis of industrial relation, and it was signed in 1962. Outline the responsibilities of the employer (FKE) according to this charter.
c) What are the benefits of good industrial relations in any country? (6marks)

d) Discuss the four sources of labour laws. (8marks)

Question 3
a) Write short notes on each of the following types of trade unions.
i) Crafts
ii) Industrial
iii) General
iv) Occupational or non-manual. (4marks)

b) Outline the objectives of trade union. (5marks)

c) Explain reasons why people do not join trade union. (5marks)

d) What are the duties of industrial court in Kenya with respect to collective agreement?

e) List down three conditions that must be adhered to before a trade union is registered.

Question 4
a) Discuss the four bargaining activities in a collective bargain. (8marks)

b) What are the benefits of collective bargaining? (5marks)

c) Briefly discuss the tasks of a negotiator during the negotiation process. (6marks)

d) Highlight signs of potential grievances in an organization. (6marks)

Question 5
a) Counseling in the work place is very important. What will organization gain from counseling? (5marks)

b) What are the main advantages of employee participation in industrial relations?
c) What are the causes of disciplinary actions? (5marks)

d) What are the sources of grievances procedures? (4marks)

e) List down the causes of industrial disputes. (5marks)

Question 6
a) Outline the functions of COTU. (5marks)

b) Discuss the different ways of minimizing grievances. (5marks)

c) Criticism is an alternative approach to discipline. Outline four things that a supervisor or manager should avoid for it (criticism) to be constructive. (4marks)

d) Differentiate between closed shop and open trade union. (2marks)

e) Write short notes on the following ways of solving disputes:
i) Arbitration
ii) Mediation
iii) Conciliation (9marks)

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